Steal the energy sword on Longshore [Update: Streaming Video] Here's a neat little trick I've started doing on Longshore. It'll let you get to the sword several seconds before the other team, which can lead to control of the entire map. This trick is especially useful because the sword is often the first place the two teams race for at the beginning of the game. It might not be the most complicated trick and it might be pretty obvious once you see it, but I hope it'll help some people out. Works when you spawn at the defensive (high ground) base. What's great is that there is no sort of counter-attack that the other team can use. If you spawn at the right base and you know this trick, it's tough luck for the other team. I'll try to record it with my capture card if I get a chance; otherwise, I'm afraid I only have the Bungie download. : Halo 3 File Details Update: Streaming below. YouTube - Halo 3: Stealing the Energy Sword on Longshore YouTube - Halo 3: Stealing the Energy Sword on Longshore -- Proof of Concept
Why not try your best to describe the steps needed here than? Considering I don't want to DL it, and it seems relatively easy to accomplish.
I used to attempt this all the time. I'd end up getting betrayed by my teammates because they're all ****nutted dipshits. Instead, I usually just lob a grenade at the right side wall and let one of my teammates grab it and camp there. Even if no one grabbed it, the offense wouldn't see the sword their, so they wont bother going for it anyway. It accomplishes the same thing.
When the game starts, run to the edge of the roof and throw a grenade under your feet. If you do the grenade jump correctly, you can launch all the way to the sword catwalk and grab the sword. It's probably at least five seconds faster than jumping down to the main level and jumping on those crates.
Thanks, but I just spent a few minutes recording it myself via capture card. Will update OP momentarily.