Alright, So I'm forging a map and I'm going to have a about $250-$275 by the time I want to enclose it. It's a small map, so It won't require a lot of materials, but I still think that 250-275 isn't a lot of money. So, I'm looking for some roofing ideas other then the axiomatic "straight wall, flat roof idea". This is easily my best map yet. If you've seen other maps I've forged they're not that great. I've already put 35+ hours in on this map (yes, I've been keeping track). So, if I have just a little bit of roof left to cover when I run out of money, I'll be a little upset. So, if you have any unique ideas that could save some money, that'd be great! Thanks for the help!
$250 is enough for 50 $5 pieces. Be more specific on what you mean by "small," and I'm pretty sure I can figure out something for you to do. Given about $75-$100 more and you could probably make an open dome. But for saving money, use all the biggest pieces that you haven't used and build around from the outside in, not across.
Quick question, do you want to make the roof for aesthetics or is it to keep the players in the map? If it is used to keep the players in you map, I may have a solution. Instead of making a roof over the whole map just make walls and on top of the walls have walls pointing out on a degree that they cannot stand on, but rather slide off. This eliminates team jumping and grenade jumping.
Have you seen Contention? In the main room with the gold columns, the maker of the map (chrst?) made a slanted roof with a hole on the middle. It was kind of like camofo's diagram but with the walls slanted in the other direction. If you don't know what map I'm talking about, i'll link you to it in a sec EDIT: Contention
It's probably as big as an average doubles map, but it's for 4v4. I can't necessarily make an open dome though, there's a mongoose and a brute shot, which if used correctly can get out of most places. Although a closed dome may work, but I'm still not sure if I'll have the money.
Consider taking out the brute shot. It can take you virtually anywhere. And it really doesn't work for maps with set boundaries in terms of breakability. Try swapping it with a similar-power weapon.
Yeah, it's on sandbox - But they're hard to work with and vehicles stick to them. I could take out the brute shot but it adds another aspect to the game, and gives use to the mongoose - or taking away that mongoose.
Screenie from above the map? Then we have a better view. If you need more help send me an F/R on live (GT: B3NW) and I can help you.
Hmm, I'm not sure how accurate it would be.. The big problem is that there are two courtyards seperated by a barrier that you can get up on from one side.. But I'll see if I can get some sort of visual in soon
Why do you need a mongoose on 2v2 sized map anyways!? Go ahead and scrap that, as for the brute shot, with the roofs curved inward, they wouldn't be able to escape.
Yeah I suppose. Well I'll see if I can get all the roofing in first. The mongoose is actually really nice for blocking areas, not so much for transport in this map. In the position it's in, you can throw a grenade behind it and it will land perfectly in a certain doorway. There are also paths that perfectly fit a mongoose or a person crouching. But a curved room would look pretty nice.
Tin Cups. Largest surface area per dollar in the Sandbox palette. Only $2 a pop. If you use them all up in one or two sections, you can then go 'bigger' and more elaborate with your roofing in other areas.