Antlion Defence

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Something., Jun 23, 2009.

  1. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
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    ahh yes you finally posted it! it was lots of fun testing this map and its still fun now
    i love how incredibly hectic it gets with a large party (provided the people don't quit)
    5/5 and thx again for letting me test it! :D

    i must admit though, i've never actually played half life 2, but if its anywhere near as fun as this I would get it in a heartbeat! :p
    #21 Lemons Reloaded, Jun 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2009
  2. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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  3. CyraxZ

    CyraxZ Ancient
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    I saw the example round, and it doesn't seem as though the antlions were having too much fun. For the most part, the antlions were forced to enter the battlegrounds dozens of times, only to be killed by the humans who were camping with a stack-load of guns on the other side. Only when a human made a mistake were the antlions able to breach enemy lines and comsume the opposition. When that happened, everything came to a close far too quickly. I'm not sure if this will happen with every game, but I'm certainly not fond of how this one went out.

    On a side note, you might want to consider adding a few power weapons here and there. Of course, you won't want all of them to be available at the start, cause then the humans would make use of them all too easily. Making a rocket launcher spawn a few minutes in could add an interesting twist to gameplay.
    #23 CyraxZ, Jun 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2009
  4. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    I don't see how I keep missing your thread posts! I played this 15 minutes ago with 13 other people and boy was it fun! The map plays really well and being a zombie is quite mindless yet satisfying. When your human, it's a great challenge to balance ammo and keep the zombies from lunging at you. The gameplay is great and I'm rating this 10/10 and I gotta dl!
  5. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    The beginning is meant to be easy for the humans to win. If you didn't notice, extra tunnels are added as time progresses, therefore making the human's job a lot harder. The queen is also a weapon that used right will break a human's setup. Furthermore, if I didn't allow the weapons to be constantly available, games would only have a minute or two lifespan.

    And trust me, this game makes being mowed down a dozen times as fun as it can be made, because you know every time you have a good chance at getting them next time, rather than "F^#& this I'm just a 1 hit kill".
  6. Jellofish777

    Jellofish777 Ancient
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    + The stronger infected is a cool addition
    + Game gets more and more challenging as it goes on
    + Great forging

    - Gameplay can get rather repetitive after a few rounds

    Score: 7.5/10
  7. Lord 0f All

    Lord 0f All Ancient
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    Hey Something. I was I think while aesthetically, its not completely accuarate to Half=Life 2, the gameplay is awesome. Nice addition of the queen although in the games I played, the zombies did fine without a queen fat-ass. Keep Forging!
  8. slipknot83

    slipknot83 Ancient
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    Awesome! I've always loved half life 2 episode 2. This was my favorite part thanks for bringing it to halo. This map is tons of fun. I played with only 4 people and it was fun. Only complaint is that it isnt very ashetically pleasing excuse me if i spelled that wrong, but the map looks kind of boring other than that its great. 9/10
  9. mariosnail007

    mariosnail007 Ancient
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    lol looks great but there is no antlion queen, its actualy called the antlion guard, but hey idc
  10. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Yes, the gametype is Antlion Defence, the map is called Half Life 2.

    Also, how is this thing on the first page?
  11. Joe is Outside

    Joe is Outside Ancient
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    Its really fun and nice to play but imagine if a pro forger, like me, would do the same map but with interlocked and geo-merged shits... it would be the best Halo 3 infection map ever... But you really need a big party to play this.
  12. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Did you really just come into someones incredibly old map thread, insult their map, say how much you believe you're much better than him, and throw out the comment that you believe you could forge it better, only to have one actual viable point to your entire post; the obvious fact that this needs a large party? I have lost all respect for you as a human being.

    Anyway, so I'm not a hypocrite, Something. this is a great map man, one of my favorites for infection. I hate to say which version is better because they're both different and they both play amazingly well. I'm not going to offer any criticism because it's obviously not important now lol.

    Keep up the good work man, sorry for the necro-spam-bumpishnes of this post.

  13. Joe is Outside

    Joe is Outside Ancient
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    And if i'd say:

    Its really fun and nice to play but imagine if a pro forger, like Shock Theta, would do the same map but with interlocked and geo-merged shits... it would be the best Halo 3 infection map ever... But you really need a big party to play this.

    Would it be arrogant? No, so why are you freakin out?!
  14. Spitfire288

    Spitfire288 Ancient
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    looks outstanding, can i use the gametype and make my own map??
  15. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    woo it's been 3 weeks. not a necro quite yet.

    Grat's on winning the best of forge thing.

    I loved that part of Half Life, and it is a good part to remake, but Why did you make the tunnels all in a row like that? They weren't all in a line like that in the game. It looks pretty fun, but it would look nicer if they weren't like that...
  16. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Because the Crypt is a square, and to make it more like Half Life would require more budget which I sadly lacked.

    ONESTAR Ancient
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    I've set this into my que. BTW I played an amazing antilion defense map that was on foundry (anyone know which map i'm talking about?) awhile back, are you the same author? It was very aesthetically correct and not as much of a slaughter for the infected. You map does look fun so I'll give it a go.
  18. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Nope, but I keep hearing about it. I gotta see what the fuss is all about.

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