Constantine by, WhiteRice321 Constantine is my sort of prototype map...its in a sort of phase 1 stage...right now i just want some feedback about its layout and acesthetics (i am aware that there are a couple bumps in the forging which i do intend to fix, as well as adding more cover (which im looking for input on where to place), and balancing out the weapon placement*for which i was also appreciate any suggestions).) Constantine is a 2-10 player FFA map i currently only have set up for slayer (although i intend to add more gametypes in the second version). It is meant to be a very easily navigable map with most of the areas accesible from almost anywhere on the map and with more then one power weapon scattered about to stop one player from gaining and keeping the advantage most of the game (in the shape of sword, fuel rod, flametrower, and two brute shots). Any feedback is welcome as well as encouraged (positive or negative as im looking to make some improvements, and if neccesary overhauls for the version 2) =) Download: : Halo 3 File Details overview front half topside back half topside Back side looking into underground Back side looking out of underground Back side Brute Wall back side flamethrower upper terrace partial upper terrace full bottom front side middle front side to terrace middle front side sword front side view favorite pic of map Download: : Halo 3 File Details Thank you for your time and comments =)
I agree. Just because construct uses a flamethrower does not mean your map should. It's just not a weapon that most people want on a competitive map
Yeah, the flamer is a little much. And maybe, just as a tip, you should make it in the crypt, to save your Object Limit by using it for a wall or two.
no flamethrower gotcha ive never seen it as that much of a overpowered weapon (because it slows you down and is easy to take out from a distance but ill remove it main thing about building in the crypt is that the lighting just sorta bugs me... just a personal preference sorta thing (i know im wasting items but i think that a little extra light is worth it)
well from the looks of it, you have great aesthetics, but you have weaponitis, ha its a term for those who like to use every wepon avaliable, altough not always needed. Dont worry though, everyone has or had that problem, just a simple deltion process and you should have a better map
Also, switch Fuel Rod for Rockets and keep it as Rockets and Sword. For the size of the map, it seems like that is all you need.
Congratulations sir, it seems like you have made a verry nice map indeed. I especially like your br tunnel but i agree with just about everyone eles that the flamethrougher should be removed. A few questions though; First, do you have to crouch under the wall of the back side brute wall. If so, maby put an arch there and bump up the wall. And also, how many levels is it. I just can't get a clear idea of how thick the map is through the pictures. Lastly, in terms of neatness and asentrics I think a few red and blue colums would be good and also to go with them some lights (unless your strapped on budget) Really Lastly, (and i know after i say this you will want to shoot me mutliple times, punch me in the face, kick me in the balls, and slowly burn me alive with a lighter) You shound really interlock every single block of your floor surface. It just makes it soooooo much neater and eliminates all the bumps.
considering im probably gonna overhaul half the weapons and i currently dont have access to my xbox no weapons list sorry... @A Fluffy Pillow couldnt agree more about the interlocking just really lazy when i go to smooth out the wrinkles ill probably examine all the areas with cracks or significant bumps or any areas that could affect gameplay and reforge them (but the chances of me interlocking everything are quite slim honestly (unless my original forging is just horrendous lol)) in terms of the crouch thing no crouching is required... There are 3 levels 1 bottom level (see underground br tunnel and bottom front side pics) amiddle which is one half box above it (i.e. you can jump it)(see images of back side looking into underground, the flamethrower spawn and the middle front side to terrrace/sword) and the top (the terrace pics) which are one block above the middle floor in terms of acesthetics once ive touched up the original areas ill check my budget and item count and add any touches i can afford Also since everyone is saying remove the famethrower im curious as to any suggestions as to what to put in its place (its a back corner of the map and the main reason i added the flamethrower there was to promote traffic so without the flamethrower i need some other motivation for players to go back there).
Leave the flamethrower. Its FAR from overpowered, and does NOT lag games. Firebombs lag, flamethrowers do not. If you like it, leave it. You don't need to be taking weapon advice from a few people who have done nothing more than fly around the map in monitor mode, if that. I like what I see from the pics, so I plan on checking this out a little closer tomorrow if I can.
Cool enclosed map ! I really love the weapon choice because the map are litle and some thime she have some mid-range and thats really cool !
Have you considered takeing the weapons out of weapon holders, it just makes this look odd? And personally I think the flamethrower is good here
@pyro i was thinking about merging the weapon holders into the floor and walls i version 2 to see how that looked @lightsout thanks for the advice... but since my xbox just came back in today i havent really had a chance to play more then 4-5 games on the map so im still not quite sure how the flamethrower plays so ill make a choice based on that(though i do know i plan on either a)decreaing the starting ammo in the fuel rod or B) as mentioned earlier switch the fuel rod to a rocket launcher)
It reminds e of the bottom level of contruct, not that its a bad thing i love that map but everything seems smooth it's good to see a map in the middlebox for once in awhile and since it's closed off that helps alot with camping outside very well thought threw and forged very nicely i'd get rid of some of the weapons but besides that solid map
Yeah im still working on an updated weapon layout, but is everyone pretty happy with the layout itself any changes or additions?
I like the overall layout a lot. I'll download when I can. I somewhat agree about the flamethrower, but I see your point too. But since it is competative... I guess no flamer. Also, a person with bruteshot jumping skills could get out of or on top of your map, but I'll have to download before I can test that. Great job with aesthetics, though!
I was thinking more along the lines of placing weapons on the ground. The only situations where weapon holders look good is to bring attention to a weapon (sandtrap heavy), with swords (the pit), and to suspend weapons that must be accesed with a gravlift. They just give it the feel of a little kid who doesnt want to take the time to angle a weapon against a wall.