Hey, I was just wondering whether anyone knows where I would be able to find an elephant racetrack primarily for LAN and splitscreen. I am looking for an elephant racetrack which would be fun to play with 4 people piled onto 2 or more elephants doing a race and battling at the same time. The racetrack itself does not have to be massive just something fun as I have not been able to find any elephant related race tracks at all. Thanks. Robospecta P.S I don't mind whether it is a modded racetrack or Forged
Modded content is not allowed in the forums, thus no one would have any Elephant racetracks since they spawn on opposite sides of the map. Just drive warthogs really slowly.
Yea, your probly not going to find one so maybe try make one or use a diferent thing to race in. The best map is one you made yourself Also, this isn't the place you should be asking for maps this is where you post maps. The best place to find maps is the search thing lol.
This isn't the right forum to post in. Race map section is for race maps. You should probably post something like this in the future in the Forge discussion, or even not post it at all.. Dang it What's a Scope?, you beat me to it
Ok thanks everyone. In future I will try post in the right section of the forums and not ask about modded maps. Also I have got an infection map on foundry that I would like to test out. Any takers.