Hey. This is my first submitted picture. Hope ya'll like it. Also, how do you submit screenshots to be judged to go onto Bungie Favorites? Pic related Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Bungie favs is a selected amount of content from one site such as forgehub or the racetracks website or mlg, that designated group chooses what they want up and only about 4 or 5 are actually bungies picks which I have no idea how you get them to pick it.
Its cool, nothing amazing but cool. Not really bungie favorites worthy. The effect is too genaric and too lightly done. If the effect was a little stronger and the effect on the left throughout the picture; the pose would set it off perfectly. Overall I'd say 5/10.
I was in Bungie Favs and I know how it works, and it is not sites such as forgehub or MLG. It is the community Spotlight that choose the Bungie favorites, and the community spotlights are groups on Bungie.net. Like these groups: here Sometimes the groups have a site such as forgehub or MLG. And you can't know who will be the next Community Spotlight... I was lucky, I was in the Group Spartan Special Ops and I posted my map on the forum and like 2 days later I recieved a message from the founder of the group that says that I am in the bungie favorites...