Alright, so haloscreenshots is down at the moment (as I'm sure a lot of you know). I want to post a map, however I can't post the pictures. How long do the other methods take (per picture) to post pictures? Also, once I post a map here, and I delete it from my xbox, could I download it at a later time..?
i don't know about other sites, but photobucket lets you upload them all at once, so it might take a few minuets to get them uploaded, but it's not long. and unless i'm missing the point of the second question: yes
Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket or TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting Create An account, Upload your pictures from, Then copy and paste them to your map thread. Once you have created your account, its 5x easier to post pictures to your map thread than Haloscreenshots IMO. :lock: I believe thats all the info you need.
Photobucket for the win. If you put the map on your fileshare you can delete it from your Xbox and redownload it from there. However if you remove it from your fileshare it will be lost unless someone else decides to host it on their fileshare as well. And I find it really rare for that to happen.
Alright, then I'll probably start posting some more maps here. And sorry if you misunderstood the question (I wasn't exactly too precise with the wording). I meant "If I post a map here on forgehub, and the delete it from my fileshare - Can I come back to the post here on forgehub and download the map again?"
No, because there want be a place to download it from. You'd need to keep it on the fileshare for the link to stay active. If you have more than six maps, or more than six files that need to be hosted, you'll need Bunge Pro. There may be a way to make a new account, get the one free month of gold, put the file on that share and host it. The only problem is I'm not entirely sure if you can access a silver account's fileshare. Plus, people will constantly accuse you of stealing maps, which will get really old after awhile.
Hmm, for whatever reason I keep failing at typing. Well, when it's posted here, isn't the link supposed to be to the bungie community maps as opposed to the fileshare? So if I post it there (the community maps) would I be able to download it again at forgehub? Sorry again for the typing fail there.
I put my maps in a fileset- then delete it from my fileshare. That way the download is still available. It amazes me that nobody suggested that.
It works for me.... I think it preserves the download for a months, if not completely preserving it until it is deleted.