Puzzle map Dead Body on The Floor Map Forged by GAME SMOKER 89(Dontknowme42) And xDeaTHxsT4LkeRx(Dude###) Puzzle map mostly forged by me GAME SMOKER 89 but the last few forged by Deathstalker Description for people who want to read it map was cooperatively forged and created by GAME SMOKER 89 and xxDeaTHxsT4LkeRx map is played by 1 person more people are welcome to play but won't help you on many puzzles map is probably in my opinion theres like 3 hard puzzles the 2 easy and the rest are medium ish map is a puzzle map so dont get excited on aesthetics k Play and enjoy game type is required Enjoy the desolate wasteland known as your life .... Pictures GAME SMOKER's Room GAME SMOKER's Room Death Stalker's Room GAME SMOKER's Room and 1 challenge by Death stalker GAME SMOKER's Room How To create Flaming recon GAME SMOKERS Room Overview Overview Deathstalkers puzzle DeathStalker's puzzle Deathstalkers puzzle Deathstalkers Puzzle Extra Challenge i guess is too find hidden guns 6 i think ... Updated 12:46 CST 10/07/09
Hmmm... Yer, looks kind of cool. But why do yuo put Smokers room or Someone puzzle infront of everything. Is this who made it. Anyway, I will download and test it out!
I am a bit confused, so I will download the map, I can't understand what this is supposed to be! Lol but anyway based on your pictures it looks well forged in some places, others not so much, and i can't to try it.
There is actually one hint in the second sentence that helps you realize that this is actually a puzzle map, congratz on that, aside that the forging is all great and that, you are probably socially pathetic for having to seperate credit on every single piece of the f***ing map, at any rate the map is probably great seen from the hip, though next time try to tell us more about the actual map and gametype and give us difficult or easy (whichever you like) hints, that of course in place of having to seperate credits like this, you'd only have to say that it was made by the two of you alright, get your act thogether next time, anyway to both of you nice job on the forging, we'll see how good and hard your puzzles are....The Persister out.
I can see you kicking it old school on a foundry map. From the looks of things this looks to have an intriguing style to it. The proportion of your map seems to be in the back of foundry. This may be one of those situations were looks can be deceiving, and it’s really intricate feel to it with troublesome challenges. I will give this puzzle map a try, great job.