Created By: chrstphrbrnnn & Shad0w Viper Recommend Players: 1v1 Recommended Gametype: Conflict 1v1 Conflict, Final When Shad0w Viper began the Outpost, he started with the goal of creating a completely balanced and highly competitive map for the Conflict. This map was to be one of Shad0w's only solo projects, as he was mainly a co-forger. After completing the center circle of Outpost, Shad0w Viper was stumped. This is when I was convinced to mold Outpost in my own vision. I took Outpost and crafted it to become a symmetrical, two base map in the skybox. My ideas mirrored Shad0w's initial vision for the map, and a perfect co-forge was born. As the forging was completed and tweaking began, every single decision was discussed between us, every weapon movement and every item swap. Months of testing with every person available with access to the maps yielded results that we couldn't have been happier with. Outpost is our vision of balance. Every weapon is placed with a purpose, every timer tested and changed. We've done everything in our power to test this map hundreds of times. Shad0w and I could not be happier with Outpost and after months of waiting for its unveiling, we are proud to present to you our pride and joy. Good luck to the final two. Download Outpost Download 'Conflict' Gametype Download Outpost Download 'Conflict' Gametype
Wow, i personally think that this definitely deserves to be the final map, it is so amazingly forged and thought out, what a great map. Dont know how to improve it, at all. Congratulations on the amazing map, and also to whoever gets to fight it out on this one-of-a-kind battlground.
Normally, I dislike close-quarters maps. Some of the 1v1 Conflict maps have disappointed me due to that reason. I do not think it would be a good idea to name them right now. As for this, it looks quite promising by its looks so far. Can't wait to try it out.
Fantastic map without a doubt, but i feel this write-up is a bit lacking. I see 3 paragraphs explaining who it was Forged by, but it says that in the first line. I don't want to know who Forged what, i want to hear about the map. How does it feel to play. Does every split-second require re-evaluation and thought, or is the action so intense that player aren't allowed to breathe. Both are adequate in immeasurable ways. Congratulations on the feature anyway, and congratulations on another fantastic map. This tournament has unveiled some of the best Sandbox maps to date.
I've just had a walkaround, will try to get a few games later, and I'm stunned. The forging is of course top class as with every other map created for the conflict tournament. However the reason I'm stunned is the unequalled design of this map, truly a professional job on layout, weapons and aesthetics. More than deserving of the feature and you definately left the best till last. Such a shame it was only made for 1v1, would love to have some bigger games on a design like this. My compliments on a superb map that will definately be staying on my hard drive.
Outpost......has changed a lot since it's was first born. My initial feelings went from dislike and hate. To my feelings of like and love on the finished product. Feedback and dedication made this map what it is. Great job guys.
Sorry about the write up, it's a little hard to write your own map without sounding like a pompous jackass lol
wow,only the bast maps for the best players,atleast the ones of us not in the tournament can download. good luck to the two that get to play on this map.
Thats what you accomplished, LOL,J/K guy. Anyway, this is truly a great map indeed. I saw every stage of this map (almost at least) and it was definitly the best IMO. I did like it better without the fusion coils up top because I didnt think it was that powerful but majority rules and it isnt too much different (I wrecked Chris with an epic comback on this map before they were added,lol). All in all it was a great map by 2 great forgers and I was not at all suprised it was the final map. Good job guys.
Definitely a DL from me even though not in tourney. Solid balance and aesthetics as always viper and crstphrbrnn
Close enough, I still looked good on this map and actually played better on here then I have on my own maps, so that shows you how great the map truly is. Liar, you lost. LOL.
I have conducted a simple forge-through of this a while ago. The center pit is just amazing. A very unique touch to such a nice layout. Very nice job on this, guys. I'm playing a 1v1 here with my bro tonight.
It shall be interesting, i'm looking forward to my 1v1 on this map. All of them have had their own touches, but I think the teleporters will add a bit of strategy. All these 1v1 maps are so confusing at first, i need some practice!
Played a 1v1 here last night. The gameplay is intense. I love the feeling of not finding your opponent for quite a long time and he suddenly pops right up. I really like the use of trip mines here. People can have the idea of placing a trip mine right in front of a teleporter for a clever trap for whoever goes through it from another side. The overshield location was very nice, but I feel that the respawn time could have been at least 30 seconds longer. Outpost is one of the better 1v1 maps. Amazing map overall.
If it were 30s longer it woulda been on the same timer as rockets, so that was our mentality there, but thanks for the feedback.
I looked at this and its not one of my favorites from the competition. It feels alittle too cramped in the middle and i found myself mostly walking around the outside instead of focusing on the center. Still, what am i to say
Loved the map. Well the design... The weapons seem a little too powerful for a 1v1 gameplay. I mean theres two snipers, rocks, overshield and two brute shots. Thats offset.
Did you actually play on it though? We played it at least a 100 times and its a pretty freakin sick map. Even when it didnt matter who won the game cuz it was just testing, I was on the edge of my seat. Its like nonstop battle the whole game.