Ok so i consider myself a fairly good and knowledgeable forger however i have ran into a problem i cant fix and im about to pull my hair out because it is ruining my map. I have built a symmetrical map for team slayer or team doubles anyway the thing about team slayer or team snipes that i find most annoying on some symmetrical maps is that you can spawn at the other persons base so i am trying to make it so that my map the blue team always spawns on one half and the red team on the other half in various spots of course. So i have gone to the slayer game type and put my starting spawn points in and set them to attackers and defenders and have then place a spawn area on each side and measured it correctly for each team and set those to the corrisponding attackers and defenders. Here is the proplem i tested it by killing the other team and waiting to see where they spawn they do spawn on the correct side of the map but they spawn in the exact same spot every time even if you are standing right there instead of spawning at another spawn point on that side that you are not standing next to. Why is this happening and how can i fix it??? Thanks for the help sorry for the wall of text but it needed to be done to fully describe what was happening.
Yea put 2 large spawn area that cover each side of the map, set them to 1 and the team colour to what you want. This should work most of the time, but not in extreme cases. Then you need to make sure you have enough different areas to spawn and you need to segment each area and add a spawn area for it. Only fill visible areas with spawn areas, because the game doesn't know if, for example, there is a wall in the way. You want people to not spawn in a room if there is an enemy present, but if the enemy is outside and far away from getting in, then that is ok.
Also if you're just standing in one place killing them you won't get a good guess because they will continue spawning there, I had experience with that before. Just so you know, just in case you weren't moving around killing them.
Hey matty you think you could get online sometime here and give me a hand it kinda seems a little confusing still
It's fairly straightforward. You just have to remember when placing spawn areas down that the game doesn't know when lines of sight are broken. For instance, if you have a room in which you want to place a spawn area. You want it so that if an enemy is in this room, then the game will choose to spawn the opposite team in a more safer place. To do this, you need to make sure that the spawn area covers everywhere that can see these spawn points. If you cover too much, then people will be able to have influence on spawn points that they are far away from or physically can't attack. If you coer too little, then people will find places where they can stand without influincing the spawns nearby, where they can effectively spawn-kill. I don't really Forge anymore, but there are many people that can help you, and in the meantime i would look at some of the 101 guides referring to spawns, particularly Devinish's, which is probably some of the best technical advice you can get.
the whole area is covered by the spawn area the problem is that when i kill the person they are spawning in the correct spawn area but are spawning in the same spot over and over again even if im standing right next to it or just killed them there i can just keep killing them because they keep being spawned right in front of me every time in the same exact spot. I also did not see an option to choose which team red or blue that the spawn area is designated to i did see the attackers defenders and so on option and i changed it accordingly well im going to get off here and get on my xbox and try and figure it out if you are near your xbox and want to give me a hand my gamertag is wingah just shoot me a message.