I think forgers will find Longshore to be a pretty good forging map. There's a decent forging pallete, and the maps natural geometry seems to hold a lot of forging potential. Not to mention the water...
There are a few maps built on Longshore already. If you need some inspiration, perhaps look at some of those.
I can personally see a good MLG style map coming from Longshore. I already have an infection map planned out involving the bridge as well.
Im Making A Infection Map. Its About 10% Done. I Need Help With Geo-merging But Yeah The Map Is Great For Remakes, FFA Maps And Infection. Need Help Forging PM Me If You Want To Help. P.S I Like To Put Caps On The 1st Letter Of The Word Dont Judge Me.
Try the No-clip glitch if your having trouble geo-merging, it's really easy to do and you can learn it in like 5 mins here's the link http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/85959-new-forge-glitch.html
Longshore will be good for most styles of maps, especially competitive, casual, and maybe a little bit of mini-game and aesthetic. It however is less than decent for racing because of the lack of usable objects.