You guys have mo talent. The stuff created here is on the same bar with professionalism. So, I want to see what you guys can do with this one; those with enough courage, give it a shot! Its a challenging one. Specs: Sig: I want the car to seem like its coming out of a paper world; construction paper to be exact. Like the surreal becoming real. The car doesnt need be drawn by all means, but it popping out of a paper-y world would be pretty damn cool. Feel free to experiment. Text: iRaynne [under it or near it:] Jaguar Stock: matching avy appreciated If it looks good, I'll be wearing it for a longggg time. Gogogo! Thanks to all the give it a go!
I'm seeing something with vector lines and splashes, and a car jumping off of a sketch pad or something with lined paper. But that's just me.
Just in case anyone wanted it, I rendered the stock... Edit: Hm... the white outline of the rendered shadow only appears on Photobucket, not in Photoshop... Oh well.
Idk if that is what you were looking for, but it's k if you don't like it haha Didn't take too long anyways Idk why those lines show up, they don't show on ps :/
Hm, its a nice sig, but not really what I was going for. If you've every played Little Big Planet, I kinda want the background in that surreal materialistic theme, with the car popping out. Idk