Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. PedoPandas

    PedoPandas Ancient
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    Some people have brought up some good points, and though they can be dissproven, they are good non the less. You answer one question and it brings anouther. I have the answer for Noah's Ark. You can create different species. (Ex. a Zonkey) Obviously, there weren't 1.2 million species on the planet at that time. Also, many people believe that God created the bigbang. That brings up anouther qustion, "How." It is an endless cycle and many people have found the answer with Christianity like me. Also, the bible is worded strangly and it sometimes doesn't make sence. If you read it 100 times you still won't get the answer you are looking for because sometimes all you have are questions.
    #3321 PedoPandas, Oct 4, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2009
  2. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Your definition of selfishness and mine are clearly different.
    You say God sent down his son so that he wouldn't look bad.. I'm saying that you should try looking at it from God's point of view rather than just your own.

    Now is there any chance of that happening?
    I'll take it from your point of view (as I assume it is):
    Okay, maybe God was bored up in heaven, so he decided to make some people down below. These people were born into this world and have no choice but to accept God, or else burn forever in flames.

    Let me explain it in a different way:
    God made people. He made them out of sheer will. We live our lives, we are able to do what we like, but is it that hard just to give credit to your own creator?

    You might be thinking God as some man up in heaven, as Insane has put it, with the long beard and the white robes. However, I think this "person" is all around. Within the very motors that power the universe.

    I don't. I can only take my personal life and try to explain the most plausible answer. After all, that's what the scientific method does.
    Do you really know these emotions didn't exist before creation? Does it say in carved out scientific evidence that there weren't these emotions?

    Sound familiar?

    If you don't play along, I won't either.
    What's wrong with glorification? God did something good for us, so why shouldn't he be glorified?
    Nope, I'm saying that they occur with MORE than a chemical reaction.
  3. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I am looking at it through God's point of view. He's lonely, makes some people, and then makes them choose Him or to burn. Creating anything to fulfill your own wants isn't good or gracious. Especially when you twist them to your own devices, when you let them disgrace themselves and you can prevent it.

    I'm going to keep hounding this until you realize that God isn't good. He's God, that's it. Creation may be beautiful, it may be pretty, but it isn't good because the purpose isn't good.

    It's hard when He doesn't exist.

    I'm very aware of the attributes of God. I'm perfectly cognizant of the idea of God according to the Bible. In fact, telling me what I may think about him isn't even prevalent to the topic at hand. Basically, I have a very accurate portrait of God according to the Bible.

    In no way shape or form is that what the scientific method does. That is a slap in the face to modern science and any technological advance in history. The end result is to find the most plausible answer, but through experimentation. Your personal life isn't testable, you've never been to heaven so there's no way you can say you know anything or prove it. It's verbal diarrhea, nothing more, nothing less.

    Are you devoid of all reason? How could emotions exist without creation?


    It isn't good if it was for the wrong reasons.

    And your basing this on your own personal experiences? Have you tested this thoroughly? Do you experiment on the subject, do you have any evidence to base your assumptions on?
  4. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    okay so one of my friends in youth group, I met him on the way to Kalahari water park at day, He didn't say much on the way there but on the way back he revealed an Unnatural "Curse"; He Can See Demons

    He was going into intense detail and i believed him too, The problem is that i had found someone else who could see them. Yes, I see them too occasionally. He sees them daily but its a rare occasion that i see one. he finished and we were going down the highway back to the Church and i look out the window and i see a huge, flaming beast, About the size of a school bus walking along the side of the road and it glared at me too. I pointed at what i thought was a demon but there was only one way to confirm what i saw was true. I asked my other friend if he can see anything irregular and he says no. I ask the kid that was able to see demons and he says "Yeah thats a demon all right"

    And i read a book last night called "You're Next" by Greg Stier
    it consists of 30 events in his life, One of which is an experience with a Demon.

    He went to his friends house and told him to go watch TV while Greg conversed with the demon the conversation was written in the book like this:

    Greg Stier: "What is your name?"

    Demon: *unintelligible, greg states in the book it sound like a cross between a roar and a groan*

    Spencer (The friend): "Did you hear something?"

    Greg Stier: "Yes!"

    Greg Stier: "What is your Name?"

    Demon: "My Name is no concern of yours"

    Demon: "The forces of evil are aligning, We will overthrow Jesus!"

    Greg Stier: "Do you know what i'm going to do when i grow up just to make you mad?"

    Demon: "What?"

    Greg Stier: "I'm going to win this world to Jesus Christ."

    Demon: *shriek*

    In the book Greg also states when he asks the demon's name
    greg says that the voice is the most demonic, scary, and hair-raising voice you can imagine screeched into greg's ears

    Bottom Line; Demons are very real, And if demons exist, God exists, Because demons could not survive without satan, And satan was an Angel named Lucifer and was God's right-hand Angel, But rebelled against God and was cast to earth,.
  5. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    You see ****ing demons? Jesus-****ing-Christ kid. Get help.
  6. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Really? Demons......? May be in the movies but when has anyone seen a living breathing demon walking around unless they were mentaly ill none the less recorded a true conversation with it meaning audio not some guys writting in a book.

    The only thing I have ever heard of with dis-embodied vioces was with ghost hunters evps which cant be haerd with out the aid of technology so its not a true conversation.
    Its just a anomoly that some believe to be linked to human verbal talk of disseased people.
    #3326 Eyeless Sid, Oct 5, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2009
  7. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    No, Greg Stier is the real deal. That book records 30 true events from his youth.

    I went to a meeting in columbus called Dare 2 Share and greg allowed questions to be asked and i asked him "What about the recording from Chapter 19 of 'You're Next'? Do you still have it?" he replied in person "Yes i do, I'll give it to the sound guy and he'll play it over the speakers" he runs to the back room and i see him through the window handing a tape to the sound guy and on his way back he said into the mic "Go ahead and play it at a low volume"

    The sound guy played it and it was most definitely the most hair-raising voice i have ever heard, it sound very close to a cross between a growl, a roar and a moan. Just as described in the book

    That is all the proof i need
  8. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Then provide us some audio.
  9. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    there is a slim chance you will be able to find it on youtube, But security confiscated the camera i was going to record the conversation with.
  10. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    A sound bite? Hollywood rejects can make devilish voices. Machinia-makers can make those voices for a shitty halo 2 film.
  11. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    We can't prove god exists and we can't prove there's no leprechans up my butt.
  12. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    0 win.

    i just finished watching the Atheist Tapes on Netflix, very interesting stuff. you can get it on instant que straight to your xbox if you have it. it really is beautifull listening to famous philosophers/scientists deconstruct some of the arguements most commonly made.
  13. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Exactly how can you tell that its just not a fabrication that he created. Is there any creditable witnesses or unrefutable eveidence of your demons and their vioces? Gravemind from Halo and even anything hollywood does can distort voices. Demon vioces can very easily be animal noises or edited pieces of audio. This guy could be the real deal if he was a creditable and offical but more likely than not hes a fake since even I haven't heard of him. If he was creditable than he probably would be famous for his "findings" but he is not.
    Even if his audio files were not tampered with it doesn't mean it was a demon many things sound creepy in the world and alot of them are simply animals.
    #3333 Eyeless Sid, Oct 6, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2009
  14. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    It's beautiful seeing idiots who suck in that crap that they watch on TV or hear. Why are there no original ideas here?

    And they call this a debate forum...
  15. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    One cannont prove that god does not exist.
  16. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    NOBODY can prove ANYTHING.

    EVERYTHING can be faked.
  17. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Okay i just got back from helping out the high school pastor at church! i was helping him with computers in the office and he called one of his friends who was in the hospital and then after about a minute of talking to his friend a demon began to speak

    Pastor: Hey Mike, How you doing?

    Mike: Good I-

    Demon: *sinister laugh*

    Pastor: Who is this?

    Demon: You are not to know

    Pastor: Where are you?

    Demon: Exactly where you think a being such as myself would be

    Demon: You are a Blond-Haired, Blue-Eyed, high-school pastor at Old North Church in canfield Ohio exactly Four miles from downtown canfield where you live

    Pastor: All Right, Where are the Cameras?

    Demon: *sinister laugh* What cameras?

    Pastor: In the name of Jesus Christ leave this place

    Demon: *shriek*

    Mike: TJ?

    Pastor: Do you realize what you were just saying?

    Mike: Yeah, i was just asking you how you were doing

    Pastor: You didn't hear it on the other line?

    Mike: Hear What?

    Pastor: I gotta go. Bye

    Mike: Bye TJ

    And i heard all of this, I was sitting right next to the Pastor.

    God's Real...
  18. goldenknight508

    goldenknight508 Ancient
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    Jedi, I was excitedly waiting for you to come back, but that was a really dissappointing post. It's sad how much stuff you make up, or how stupid your town must be.
    Im only one ore two years older than you but you act like some 6 year old doing anything to get a cookie.
    That had nothing to do with God existing.
  19. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    when you prove a demon to be real ill consider god possible but just because you heard a scary voice does not mean its demonic ;]. What if a person has a stoma or smokes or drinks alot and has a raspy voice does that mean they are a demon? ..... No scary voices are no way a sing of god or proof of existance for anything.
  20. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Very wise refering to 'original ideas' as a way to counter a physicist.
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