Clock Tower Infection Map Survive the living Dead. What used to be an peaceful town was changed on an ordinary day, when an genetic mutation which rose dead to feast on the living. This virus wasn't containable. The only place of survival was in the "Clock Tower" which was also surrounded by the living dead. The only way to survive is to defend and wait on the rooftops and hope that time will bring you to safety. Clock Tower Distant Picture The rooftops - the only place that is somewhat safe inside clock tower Lift to the roof Back of clock tower with plenty of ways for the infected to get cha Download the Horror Now!
Nice job with the clocktower, but I think you got lazy providing the ground cover. It looks to me you got tired, threw some objects down, and called it "debree". This is only for your own good, but you'll probably get half as much downloads now because you got lazy. On the other hand, if you release a V2, with sophisticated cover, you'll probably get twice the downloads. I hope this helps, because I'm just speakin' da truth.
The structure itself looks quite nice but the cover and area around it looks very messy and randomly placed. Showing spawn points and the inside of the structure would really help other then just taking pictures of the outside. Anyways i will download this and check it out but maybe add more screenshots.
i was kinda going for the look of it being built and have it look like the building its self was interrupted during the construction. the outside doesnt have to be perfect. the main focus is the clock tower.
I love how everything is messy but also neat, it fits into the infection theme which lots of maps are missing. I think if you put in effects after a certain amount of time it would be cool so you could replicate night time.
I disagree, there is a decent amount of cover. How it is laid don't change much as long as the cover exists and covers the area decently, which the pictures seem to show. Also, it would be debris
thanks. at least someone gets it. thats what i was going for. some people just don't have and imagination. you only have so much you can work with in forge.
I like your clocktower map because it's a fun and original infection map that kinds reminds me of the church off of Left 4 Dead somehow, lol. I played 4 games with 9 of my friends and all but 1 liked your map. Theirs lots of hiding spots in the tower for the survives and lots of ways for the infected to get in which helps balance out the map. The debris scattered provides a post apocalyptic look and at the same time provides excellent cover for the brain eating horde. Originality 5/5 For making one of the funnest maps I've played on in awile and also making a map that doesn't have two bases like all the other maps I see on Halo. Overall map 5/5 Perfect infection map that is vary well balanced and just as much fun to play on. Getting infected has never been more fun. Thanks for the map.
I really like the tower itself. It looks like you spent your time on using the ramps in the front a lot to make it just right. Very L4D feel to the map and looking around inside after dl'ing really shows that you can put together a good interior as well as good asthetics. The only thing wrong with this map is that it seems like you just threw around the outside cover with the scaffolding and tubes. And what is with the Kill Balls. To me that ruins a map because you can hear it a lot. If there were something like a parking lot or graveyard in front of the tower it would look a lot neater. I have not had a chance to test it but would be willing to join a game with someone to see how it plays. The tower gets a 5/5 for originality and how well you put together the inside and outside. Keep Forging
The clock tower looks well made, like a Red bull can said very L4D feel to the map, i really looking forward for a v2
Geomerging objects and using mostly stone can greatly improve the asthetics, this usually makes the map play better.