I lol'd at the title, I was thinking, I can break these cuffs. Very, very nice. Colors are great, the sword across the chest definitely helps with the flow of the sig. Idk about the lighting tho. looking from the left shoulder to the light source, something goes wrong IMO.
interesting, i like it though. the lighting is off, but i really like its whole style. good job on it overall. looks pretty professional
Lightsource should be on the left, but it's on the right. Up to you wether you want to do something about it, other than that it's fab, really high quality sig. I love the murky look, and theres a lot of depth, but it's kind of spoiled when all of the effects cut off about half an inch from either side to nothing. If you use the similar bubble'y effects and enlarge them a bit on bottom left and bottom right, you should end up with a better depth. ATM the render still looks a bit slapped on because it doesn't take up the entire frame.
i love it the colors the effects the lighting everything it's just great in every way. but if i can just so i can see what it looks like around his part and that part of his face maybe feather around it to add more flow, i just want to see if it would look good you dont have to if you dont want it was just a thought of mine
Dark silence, there's this really brilliant key right below the L key and directly adjacent to the /? key, and I think that your writing could really benefit from usage of that particular key. Ironic. Back to the sig, it feels like the smudging is a bit overwhelming, and that we should see more of the render/stock. It's amazing how you've improved since something like this, though: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/73191-aqua.html
I liked the first one best. Had a good mixture of reds and blues and it kinda looked like the sea. Went with the theme a little. I thought it looked really good.