Some signatures

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by madz333, Oct 6, 2009.

  1. madz333

    madz333 Ancient
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    Couple of my sigs


    im with you

    Can you guys give me any tips or tricks to make better ones? i just started using photoshop

    BTW : D4VY JON3S is my Gt so I kinda prefer to use it over madz333

    \/Also my current sig you can talk about\/
  2. loshon

    loshon Ancient
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    Those are wayy bigger than normal signature sizes. Something like that gets you a warning here. ( I think)

    Try using a smaller canvas and expanding outside of Halo. I suggest looking up deviantART tutorials @ Oh, and my preferred canvas size is 360x150.
  3. BWO Kilroy

    BWO Kilroy Ancient
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    They are waay to big to be used for a sig. I would recommend going outside the relm or just adding text and go into your filters and experiment with what you can do in Photoshop. There are a lot of tutorials on youtube and other places. Try some effects though. Also as to what loshon said. You dont HAVE to go outside Halo. If you like Halo and want to make Halo related signatures then stick with it. Try and think of themes and color schemes to use in your sigs.
  4. madz333

    madz333 Ancient
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    I wasn't so worried about size on these sigs because i didn't plan on using them,(in my actual sig, i resized and stuff to make it fit) but I thinking about the content. The picture in the "Im with you" sig, is my very own screenshot, and I thought it showed a pretty emotional nod between the ODST and the Arbiter, so i though it wouldnt need much editing. And about the "Arbitrary" sig, I tried to have a cool font which I think I did pretty good, and I tried some effects, but the screenshot already has some interesting lighting, so I did nothing of the sort.
  5. loshon

    loshon Ancient
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    Yeah, but my point is that you're not going to be a very good sig maker if you stick to Halo only. Even if you don't like anything but Halo, you should branch out, learn techniques and basic formulas, and get some experience before coming back to Halo with a totally epic style.
  6. madz333

    madz333 Ancient
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    That is a very valid point, but I would like to photoshop things I enjoy, and that limits me to Basketball, piano, and Halo 3, soooo, when I have an idea outside of halo, i make it, like my current sig, but other than those few times i do get ideas, halo is the best place to look due to its overload of content that just keeps coming. i hear what you say, but im not sure where I can go, do you think you could link me to somthing specific.

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