I Photoshopped multiple, in game, halo 3 screenshots into a picture of a courtyard under construction. Real Halo (Click for Full Image) Real Halo - Blue Sniper [img width=800 height=399]http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s166/Projectt2501/RealHalo-GreenRunningRedMongoose.jpg[/img] Real Halo - Green Running & Red Mongoose [img width=800 height=476]http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s166/Projectt2501/RealHalo-RedSniped.jpg[/img] Real Halo - Red Sniped [img width=800 height=508]http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s166/Projectt2501/RealHalo-BluePlasma.jpg[/img] Real Halo - Blue Plasma [img width=800 height=560]http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s166/Projectt2501/RealHalo-DeadRed.jpg[/img] Real Halo - Dead Red
Thanks. It was hard for me to find an image hosting site that would accommodate such a large image. Yea, after I finished the project, I realized that. personally I think the yellow tracer looks better, especially where the flash reflects off the two pylons and the ground.
really nice! i see you even added shadows and lighting effects. the one thing that bothers me though is that, for all the spartans, the white shine / reflection thing off all their armor - you shoulda made that more, like, white. instead of grey-ish ya know? like by highering the contrast on the spartans, it'da prolly look better lol
Yes, I know what you mean. When I got the pictures in, they were all from different lighting. To balance it, I darkened them, causing the grayish look. I decided not to change this however, due to the fact that the sky was cloudy and gray that day, so it really wasn't that out of place.
Crazy stuff, I can see that a lot of work went into making this look realistic. Now add footprints in the snow ;D
I would have loved to. However, since it took a lot of time, and it was for school, I wasn't able to finish that before the due date. :'(