How to Block the towers on Sandbox

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Teh PeliCAN Man, Oct 5, 2009.

  1. Teh PeliCAN Man

    Teh PeliCAN Man Ancient
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    Hey everyone. (this is not a map preview)

    I need some assistance on my Sandbox map that I'm going to make. It will be a Big Team map, using the whole map, Sky Bubble, Crypt and the entire desert floor.
    Now your probably thinking how I'll do this when budget comes into play. Well don't worry, I can and will find a way. Big maps are my specialty.

    Anyway enough gab. I need to know how to block those damn towers. Normally I would just download the canvas, but sadly I can't. Please don't ask why, I don't quite know the reason myself.

    I know that Xgamer's used only 9 blocks. I'm not seeing how. I have blocked 4 of the towers, but I can't block the ones with the kill barrier in front of them without making a huge wall of blocks.

    Your support is appreciated, thanks.
    (oh btw I think it will be called Nighthawk.)
  2. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    Get as close to the death barrier as possible, hold the blocking object out as far as possible, then save and quit. To help you tell where the barrier is, have a friend hold a spawn point right where you are, move closer, and when you die save and quit, then use the spawn point as a reference. To my knowledge there are no other tips or tricks to death barriers, they're pretty legit.

    Edit: Whoa, rorak kuroda, I've never hear of that teleporter technique before. If it works you should make a thread, because that could be pretty useful.
    #2 Seaboro Kibbles, Oct 5, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2009
  3. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    sounds like a sweet map. I've always wanted to see map that uses ALL of sandbox. Cant wait to see the finished product.
  4. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Interesting ideas. Well, there actually are a few tricks to get beyond death barriers, and I think that thanks to ghost merging you can merge a double block into the tower, therefore only using 1 double block per tower.

    Now as for the death barrier, try this. It may or may not work.

    1) make sure you have a friend with you, then start up your map.
    2) spawn a reciever node outside the death barrier, save and quit.
    3) have someone spawn a sender bode somewhere and put it on an unused channel, and make 1 person in moniter mode stand inside the sender.
    4) have your friend change the channel of the node while you are inside it.
    5) do not move from this point on. In theory, you should be close to the tower and inside the death barrier. If you move, you die. You can look around and spawn things, but do not move around.

    Tips) make sure the map is overloaded first. (duh lol)

    Also, if you want to make a ghost merge work with this, before being teleported be holding a pre-ghost merge/dummied block. The block will teleport with you, and you can then shove it in front of that tower.

    I don't know 100% if this will work, but try and see...
  5. Unsnappedtoast

    Unsnappedtoast Ancient
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    I personally overload the map because it's easy and effective
  6. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    What Does overloading the map acually do and can anyone briefly explained how to do it?
  7. Teh PeliCAN Man

    Teh PeliCAN Man Ancient
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    Thanks guys. This will be great, seeing how the wall takes a huge chuck out of my budget. Oh I'm afraid don't understand how to ghost merge a non- OLN object, I forget where the vid is.

    Yeah, this map will be fun to play, I'm still not sure how I'm going to make the bases. I need to understand merging non-OLN objects first. Once I do, the rest will follow.

    EDIT: Overloading the map respawns all objects, shuts off guardians, and removes some barriers. Once a map is overloaded it will not return to normal status until you start a new round or quit the game.

    The process of overloading a map is very simple.
    1. Spawn 4 trip mines.
    2. Set the respawn rate to 10 seconds.
    3. Make the run time maximum and minimum the highest they can go.
    4.Start throwing them in a pile, if done quickly enough you will overload the map by the time they explode.

    How:Because the trip mines take up space on the map having a large amount of them overloads its object limit, causing the map to freakout in odd ways, usuallly by shutting off barriers, shutting down guardians, and making objects respawn.
    #7 Teh PeliCAN Man, Oct 6, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2009
  8. pwnthezombie

    pwnthezombie Ancient
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    Can't you just place a turret on a block in the sky-box, so second player can go on it and you can just pick him up in monitor and place him across the barrier?
  9. Teh PeliCAN Man

    Teh PeliCAN Man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No, I needed to get past the kill barrier. Hey guys its all gewd now, thanks for the help. I may have to strip it down and start again though. I think the map will be a Team King of The Hill map, KOTH fits the map better.

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