Devil's Gate

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by General Gilliam, Oct 6, 2009.

  1. General Gilliam

    General Gilliam Ancient
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    "A gateway between the world of Humans and that of the dead. Use your ammo wisely, and kill as many creatures as possible!"

    This map is an infection map to be used with the "Save One Bullet" game type.

    The infected spawn in a narrow hallway with a teleporter at the end.[​IMG]

    The teleporter leads them through the "Devil's Gate."

    The infected must then eliminate the humans hiding in their bunker.

    The inside of the bunker has a couple of small chambers for hiding in and 2 mongeese for a speedy escape.

    Well, this is my submission for the Hub of the Dead contest, but it is also a fun little infection map with some pretty aesthetics too!

    #1 General Gilliam, Oct 6, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2009
  2. Glitch100

    Glitch100 Ancient
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    Dude, theres some pretty nice Aesthetics there in the pictures ;) Looks a little balnk in one picture...
    However; Could you please give more 'written' description regarding the maps 'inner-workings'
  3. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
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    looks good, but cant you (as a human) camp the 'devils gate' thing when zombies pop out?
    also other than that looks ok, maybe have more than one bunker? so its not just a straight fight
  4. monsterGHbox360

    monsterGHbox360 Ancient
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    Great map.. i like the effects and everything is smooth and looks like alot of time has been put into it! ;) keep up the good work on futer maps!
  5. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    He's right you know, you're channeling the zombies through one little opening and they are going to get repeatedly spawn killed. In addition, you are lacking structures throughout the map so someone or a group of people could sit in any of the four corners of the map and shooting the zombie while they sit back and eat a klondike bar (yeah, that's what I would do for one at least). As for the devil's gate, it look's pretty good, but not amazing. Overall, the humans will die from starvation, a rabid monkey, or most likely, from lack of ammunition before they die. Work on it more by adding structures throughout the map and layering it for a v2. Make it a challenge for the pathetic humans to survive. That's what they want!
  6. General Gilliam

    General Gilliam Ancient
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    Thanks for your feedback everyone. I'll be going through the map either today or tommorrow and fixing the issues you poitned out. I'm not quite sure how zombies can be spawn killed though, they have shields so they can't just be shot in the head, and it's save one bullet so humans don't ever get more ammo. The only way to spawn kill would be to stand behind the teleporter and assassinate them, but it is too close to the kill ball to do that.
  7. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    You don't have to kill them in one hit to spawn kill. You can shoot them as soon as they come OUT of the teleporter. That way they never have a chance to kill you. Did you test this map?
  8. A Fluffy Pillow

    A Fluffy Pillow Ancient
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    The gate looks really nice, but the other (human) base looks kind of bland... And you should also do something to reduce the spawn killing. Maby you could make 4 gates, 1 killball gate in each corner with a circular base in the middle. It's a cool idea, and if you fix you 1 major problem (spawn camping) it could turn into a really enjoyable game of infection.
  9. Joe is Outside

    Joe is Outside Ancient
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    What the hell, ****ed aesthetic, but I don't know if it looks the same in the games but anyway, looks fun to play.
  10. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    The gateway to hell is a good idea and is incredibly good looking, but I think that the rest of the map is lacking in gameplay. You have 1 gateway and 1 bunker- the rest of the map is just open space... You should try making more around the portal such as a city or more structures or something.
  11. General Gilliam

    General Gilliam Ancient
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    I am having some internet troubles right now (can't get on xbox live) but I have made a new version of the map. I added some more structures, gave the gate more cover to avoid spawn killing, and MAJORLY spruced up the main bunker. As soon as I get my Xbox live back up I will post the new version.


    Bad news, unfortunately I won't have my xbox live back up in time for the Hub of the Dead contest :( I have worked on this map over the last week and FINALIZED it. I have added some cover around the gate, spruced up the human base, and made some tunnels for zombies to sneak around through on the ceiling where the humans can't get to, so the zombies can jump out and fall into the base undetected (for the most part.) Once I get my XBL up, I will add it to my fileshare so I can post this map.
  12. TpYourHouse

    TpYourHouse Ancient
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    Just put more teleporters inside the gate so a human can't just camp behind one of them.

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