Lol, It looks good, I just thought I remembered the people from somewhere... wondered if I knew the band.
I just download the stock pack and use them, so I usually don't know whats in the sigs I make... UPDATE so what do ya'll (you all, hmph, why would you say you all?) think about this so far?
well they kinda are lol.. just with the large amounts of text on each one. and ice, someone on another forum had me take a sig i made with the stock of the last sig down cause they thought it was a deviantart drawing.. where did you get it?
I really like the C4D use in Skittle's, the displacement or whatever in Hells', and my favorite is Jugg's. Nice job on them all.
:| Sure, they're great, but as soon as the lighting effects came into place, you ruined the focals. Sharpen them more, or blur the effects. Your effects stand out more than your focals. And for anyone who asks, yes, I am being a repugnant jerk who is extra angry because he didn't get a signature. And for those of you who are poor at detecting sarcasm, that was sarcasm.
Don't cry Hari. You used scanlines well in your friend's sig, you should get a month-long confidence boost!
Updated with Hari's...felt sorry cause of his tear. I'll be looking into getting the following people: Loshon EGP Miraj STW anyone else?
I feel bad for asking, but it's kinda like a random sig shop, and since I'm god awful at sigs then that's why I ask. Also we were former moderators/event staff together meh?
Not a random sig shop, its just that the GnA members never get sigs made for them so I made I was really bored when I started and I can see improvement in them if I do say so myself. And yeah, lol.