Hey, my hard drive was corrupted yesterday and I lost all of my Halo content including maps, videos, pictures, etc... I used to be known as the man with a ton of fun customs to play and now I can hardly remember any of the old maps that I had. So im asking everyone: what maps must I have? 1: Please dont use this as a chance to advertise your own maps saying things like: "I just made a new map and I bet that you would love it!" because I will most likely turn them down. 2: Please provide a link to a page with a link and pictures. 3: Just give me any maps that you had a ton of fun playing. Im looking for good Infection/casual maps, Competitive maps and Race maps.
Maps that I'll never forget are probably Distortion, Eight Emerald Legs, Tremors on Valhalla, Blast Off!, and probably Pallet Parade. When I think epic maps from Halo 3 Forge, I think of all these. There's others, but these are on the top of my head.
Yea I could, but I still want to get some better maps. Also- the download history only goes out 4 pages... Half of those pages are filled with films and pictures...
dude i feel sorry for you but i can only think of three maps off the top of my head: jenga on standoff, epic journey, and berserker. sorry about what happened