This map is finished, and can be found here. Protocol UPDATE-07/10/09 I have changed the game again. While the game is still VIP, there has been a major change to it. Protocol is a VIP game with 2 equal teams. The defending team are the ODST's and Vergil the engineer(VIP), and the attackers are the brutes Vergil is weak, and the game will end if he dies. While he is able to give others shields and has his own personal shields, one good plasma pistol hit and a headshot will easily finish him. ODST's are slightly weaker than the brutes, but it is still their objective to protect Vergil. How the game works is a hornet will spawn on the left side of the base after 3 minutes. During that time, the ODST's will be attacked by waves of covenant troops with the one objective to kill Vergil. If Vergil survives that long, he must get into the passanger seat of the hornet and have an ODST fly him to the destination point in the sky. The game will end if either Vergil dies, or he reaches the destination point. The hornet is the only way he'll escape. Vergil traits -2x shields -Low gravity, slow moving -Plasma pistol primary weapon, pickup disabled. Proximity traits(30 meters) -ODST's gain overshield -ODST's gain radar -ODST's gain ability to drive vehicles The attackers are brutes. The 4 classes for them are jump pack brutes, stalkers, regular brutes and of course brute chieftains(hammer only). Jump pack brutes are regular brutes, but have a teleporter by their spawn leading up to an area high above the defender base. Brutes are generally stronger than the ODST and always have shields. Hammer chieftains, most powerful unit. Can take plenty of damage, carries normal shields with 500% damage resistance and 125% damage. Kills ODST without overshields in two hits. Don't let him sneak around you to Vergil. Other changes -Prowler is completely gone, replaced with another chopper. -Spartan laser replaced with missile pod, original missile pod gone. -The left side of the base has more cover, specifically around the helipad area. -Fuel rod chieftain gone, hammer chieftain rests unchanged. -Stalkers have been tweaked, 1 flame nade and mauler with no extra clips spawn. Who is Vergil?(Halo 3 ODST spoiler) Spoiler Vergil is the engineer at the end of Halo 3:ODST game. OLD idea Spoiler Protocol is a VIP survival type game. I built this map around the ODS3 concept gotten rid of a lot of the terrible aspects to it as well, but kept the good ones. Drop pods anyone? How the game works is that there are 2 equal teams. One are the covenant(brutes), the other humans(ODST/marines and the spartan VIP) Spartans are potentially the best unit on the field. He can both take and deliver plenty of damage. The ODST's however, don't. ODST are slighty weaker, do not run as fast or take as much damage as the brutes do. It is their job to protect the VIP, and the spartan must protect the ODST as well so the brutes do not get easy kills. The special traits for spartan -Shields -Ability to hijack but not ride vehicles -Proximity morale boost. Gives ODST's in a 25 meter radius more damage resistance, higher damage, as well as the ability to ride vehicles(morale) -More damage, health, speed and higher jump (better than the ODST's in basically every way) The attackers are brutes. The 4 classes for them are jump pack brutes, stalkers, regular brutes and of course brute chieftains. Jump pack brutes are regular brutes, but have a teleporter by their spawn leading up to an area above the defender base. Brutes are generally stronger than the ODST, but will lose easily to a spartan. Brute chieftains on the other hand, can take more damage than a spartan, and can deal the same amount. Powerful opponent, recommended that even spartans not take them head on. PICS Side view of base Hornet spawn without Hornet spawn with Drop pods(4 now) This is how high they are... The outside of the covenant spawn area Jump pack brute Escape! Sucess! Action pictures from past testing games Spoiler Feel the wrath of 25% damage, *****. OH NOOo Dropping in. Chieftain(colour is now gold) Double splatter! This is a map I've been working for a fairly long time now, even before ghost merging but have lost the will to continue. Recent events have forced me to start this back up again, mainly from ODS3's multiple mixed reviews.. I tried to go for a new approach on a human vs covenant survival gametype. At first, I was going to make it infection FIREFIGHT, but realized that it would be ODS3 all over again, which is what I was trying to avoid and completely scrapped that gametype. With the VIP gametype, it still keeps the try to survive aspect, but without the infection. But even then, something didn't feel right about it, so one day my friend named 16ExplodinCars suggested that I turn the spartan into Vergil instead to make it seem more like the ODST campaign. The holdout area I built seemed a lot like the last level of Halo 3:ODST, and a lot of Vergil's traits could also be implemented. From there, I applied the escape feature to make it seem more like the campaign, and after some testing I realized this is definetly the way to go. Testing is going fairly well, although I need to try this with different amounts of people. The most I had ever going was 5v5 which everyone seemed to enjoy. Even 4v4 was pretty fun. The lowest was 2v2, which didn't work very well. Brute chieftain raped, it was impossible to kill him with only one ODST and Vergil. ______________________________________________ Testing's fairly close to being finished, just need to try the map with more variants. I most likely won't be updating this thread anymore. This map is finished, and can be found here.
So this is what you've been working on. I wish I was there to test. The idea is fantastic and seems like it will work very well. The map itself is simple, yet it looks efficient. I also love how high the drop pods are now, as well. I have a feeling this will be a great successor over ODS3.
Well it's not done yet... I've only had like 4 or 5 testing sessions on this so far. There'll be plenty more in the future.
Wow, this looks... well amazing really. If you ever need some feedback for the map, just invite me and I'll help out in a testing session. By the way, if you want to limit the teams to 4 ODST against the rest of the players, the team of 4 will not always have the VIP. Simply because in one sided VIP, it never gives the same team the VIP at the start. So if you want to do that, you'll probably be ending and restarting the game until the teams work out. Also, if you make it more than one round, the VIP will switch over to the other team. Just making sure you know that.
Really? Well I suppose I'll have to find a way around that, but so far nothing's gone wrong. Games are only 1 round btw.
rifte, you should probably update this. Didn't you decide that this will be even teams now? Anyways, I thought this was much more enjoyable and balanced than ODS3 when I played, the brute chieftain did feel overpowering, but nothing extremely terrible as long as you all aimed at it. Banshee I suggest maybe making the spawn time longer, and I did find myself lacking weapons a lot as the covenant. Since the ODST's get BR's maybe make the brutes have a tad higher damage resistance? Anyways, I like it so far and look forward to mroe testng. The morale boost proximity thing I thought was cool too
Forget everything I just said... I've changed everything now. You're right this glitch makes the game unreliable so I've made it so that teams must have similar or equal amount of players. Same concept, just equal teams. Oh, and most of the testers and I preferred it when the teams were actually equal. Trying to make 12 on 4 firefight recreation in halo 3 = fail. Thanks for reminding me to update, and I've implemented a couple of your suggestions such as making the banshee spawn time longer. I'll have to test your other suggestions though, making the brutes have higher damage resistance than it is now might make it too unfair... remember that there are other classes such as stalkers who aren't always going to be at the perfect BR shooting distance everytime.
can'tt the spartan just run away? I'm liking the map so far, looks great. The 4 very high drop pods are a nice touch too. Do they work better then the ones for ODS3?
Technically yes, but it's never worked well so far. I might have to fix some of the towers so they attack a certain area when someone enters it, to minimize players running away. Yes, much better. I'm not using a pallet, seems to cause trouble with the drop and sometimes even lag.
hey if you still need help testing let me know i'd be glad to help. looks like fun my gt is wa1k1ngcorpse7
yay you are finally getting it done i remeber when you first showed how high you got your building platform and i was amazed at that. the map looks great and i wish i was there to test but this weekend i will take a break from ODST and check the near finished map out great work.
UPDATE: Okay guys, I've changed how the game works completely. While it is still VIP, the game works much differently and in the testers' and I opinion, plays much better. The VIP is no longer a spartan, but vergil the engineer.' This is how the game will work. Vergil is weak. He does almost no damage, and spawns with only a plasma pistol. He gives other players shields, and this is the team objective. Defenders 1)Protect Vergil for 3 minutes till hornet spawns 2)Vergil gets in passanger, ODST drives. 3)Reach the escape point(go to area) in the sky, using the hornet. Easier said than done. Attackers 1)Kill vergil, don't let him escape. Updated the OP with a more clear explination.
Sorry about not having a mic before, this is what I thought about the map and could have been changede. The one thing I thought could have been changed about the map were the damn chieftains... honestly it's the beginning and there are already 2 chieftains? ****. Maybe at least take out the fuel rod chieftain, they kind of ruined it. Oh, and also edit the stalkers a bit, they felt very unfair to fight against. Other than that, my last complaint is about the hornet being easy to destroy, maybe give the area some more cover or something? Overall, I found it to be a pretty fun and balanced experience especially considering the fact that this is a humans vs covenant game. I hate it when Vergil ditches and runs out trying to jack a vehicle or something. I really like how the map is ODST campaign related, the part where Vergil must escape is awesome.
Not going to change hammer chieftain spawn time, but I did completely get rid of fuel rod chieftain. Also, stalkers now spawn with only a mauler with no extra clips, and a single flame grenade. I also edited the little base on the left side with the hornet spawn, and it looks a bit more like a landing pad with more cover.
This seems pretty cool, and you seem like you know what you are doing. I guess I will just sit wait for it to be done.
Amazingly elevated human entry vehicle win! i loved ods3, especialy the drop pod. do we have an e.t.a of this map, because you've already got my dl
hmm... im guessing you didnt play in the prepare to drop playlist.. it seems bungie beat you to this idea.. they had an identical version of a gametype. the "odst"s had to escort their vip into certain go to points, the enemy team were "brutes" with hammers and spikers or brute shots.
Soon mai friend. I'm starting to get the gameplay video together and choosing the right music Testing is basically over, but I'm still playing games once in a while to find any bugs I missed. Uh, I only played the maps where it's one headshot shot kill slayer... which I found really stupid and quit. I've never played the escort one though.