Shortshore Created by: xItZ jENKiNSx Hello Everyone! This map is basically a room with three teleporters and two battle rifles and there is no point to the map its just for fun, but these teleporters take you somewhere like never before. Allow me to explain.... Here is the overview of the main room where everybody spawns. The teleporters spawn in the back of the room. Here are the three mysterious teleporters. Here is the first room. Here is the second room. Here is the third room. Here is a new Easter Egg found by xItZ jENKiNSx and SVVEET SAUC3 on this map. Have fun and try to keep an eye out for more easter eggs! Download link: : Halo 3 File Details
Haha nice find! Are you implying that there are more easter eggs within these three rooms that you are leaving for us to find for ourselves? I been in all three rooms before but i havent put much effort into diligent searching so far...
So... This takes you to three different secret areas? cool. nice interlocking/geomerging in the first pic very cool... suck it fronk... lol... wait. You haz reconz? 4/5 btw
I don't i and i don't really want to get it. Theres nothing speical about it. It's just armor in a video game, to do those vidmaster achievements in the 3rd week it's out i8s pretty noobish no offence. (well not ass bad as my friend he had recon within 2 hours arfter release) Anyway nice easter egg. interlocking geo is good. you must have a lot of time on your hands if you found an easter egg. And are there even more you telling us.
this is REALLY unimpressive... to get to any of these blocked off areas, you do the teleporter trick and forge out of the bounds.... nice easter egg, but a wate of fileshare space in my opinion.
Nice finds Jenkins. The only rooms I know about is the first one, but thanks for showing us these. I can see some nice Machinimas taking place in here.
jeez it was a simple map devoted to secret rooms, stop flaming him for his armor or because he found rooms on longshore, i love the idea, in fact i wanted to do it with you but i had to work on my conquest map so yea, congrats on your post jenkins
Actually the freezer room can be reached by the simple turret glitch so i'm not sure about the others but that makes the freezer room painfully easy to get into.
The beginning room is very nicely built, have any other maps? All the areas are just the simple turret glitch but help for n00bs.
I liked it. Nice geomerging and thanks for getting into those spaces so people like me ,who don't have time to figure that out, can get into those spaces. Nice easter egg.
Cool map! I like how in the conveyor room, the conveyor belt actually moves! BTW, I found a MUCH BETTER Easter Egg on this map. And no, I'm not reveling it. I mean, it's not like it's on my File Share or anything, right?