No pictures, because I can't get on my xbox. First, Open a canvas, then spawn a Juicy FX. Set the respawn time to 90 seconds, and make it NOT spawn at start. Next, Spawn a Gloomy FX and place it next to the Juicy FX. Set the respawn time to 180 seconds, and make it NOT spawn at start. Result: 90 Seconds in, the Juicy FX will take affect, making the map of choice a little darker. 180 seconds in, the Gloomy FX will spawn and combine with the Juicy FX to make an even darker map. Have fun.
You know, if they change the lighting to make it lighter or darker... would could have made maps that changes the time of the day!
Just throwing this out there, for zombie game types, switch juicy with gloomy. Then add old timey as the second one. The map will become insanely dark. THis would cause people to find hiding spots and weapons at the beginning and provide the zombies chances of sneaking up on people later in the game.
NO! OT + Juicy + Gloom = FAIL. I played a game of infection with this technique on Blackout, and it was an exercise in frustration for all parties involved.
I haven't really played with the fx objects yet, but does anyone know if they are immovable objects? As in, if you put it on top of a box and then delete the box, will it float indefinitely? Thanks, --dc
Thank you sir for posting this. I wonder how long it will take for all the schlubs who aren't privy to this place to figure that one out...
Yup, then they'll all be like, "OMG I just diskhovurred tihs 1337 tekneek guyz I am teh first there4 I am 1337!!!11ONE!!1" lol @ Bungie's forums. --dc
This is seriously a great thing, the FX I mean. They will allow players to create all kinds of visual effects. And as you guys mentioned set the mood for Zombie variants.
Well... they can't be seen at all during play, only while in Forge. And they affect the entire map no matter where you place them. Not sure if this is what you're getting at. They affect the map's appearance while you're moving them around in editing mode, too.
I know they're invisible, but I was hoping that maybe, just maybe, you could place one over a fall on top of a pallet (held up by a teleporter for example). Then, have a fusion coil spawn so many seconds into a game far above the pallet that will destroy the pallet and make the fx object fall. As soon as the fx object fell down and disappeared, the visual effect would also disappear, helping some of the above poster accomplish their task. Of course, the fx object would be invisible the entire time during a real game, so this would all happen "behind the curtains," so to speak. That's what I meant --dc