Today I'm am going to talk to you about a map i am currently making on Longshore Reasons Why you should help me with this map far I've done alot on it like for example i have made a ship and a sunken one 2.i am making a gametype for it called V.I.P i know the name isn't original 3.IVe also made a sewer part working on the inside of the wrecked ship so yeah thanks for reading:happy: ill have pics up soon
There still aren't any pictures up, have you once again forgot about it? Next time provide atleast one picture when posting a teaser to your map or it's not that much of a teaser. P.S A teaser thread doesn't ask for help?
Take the screenshots, go to, download the screenshots, upload them to imagehost, post them.
Well im not going to be a broken record and say you need pics, so, on what you have gave us it sounds pretty interesting. I think you should give us some info on this "vip" gametype you have. And in your sig it says "join the WWII today" That doesnt make to much sense, and shouldn't it just be called Pearl Harbor instead of WWII Harbor. Because the way you've said everything it doesn't sound like you know too much about WWII. Of course im only assuming that this is supposed to be based off of Pearl Harbor. If it's not you should tell us which battle this is supposed to represent and give us info. on that battle. Good Luck.
okay WWII Harbor is supposed to be a gameplay map for my clan and the clan has about 200 members oh and also this is not supposed to be recreating a battle