Nicko is done: BW: Pinkinsh (because that's the only thing that looked remotely good): pm me for changes Next up: LIGHTSOUT225 EDIT: LIGHTSOUT225 is done: RED: BLUE: YELLOW: And a more accurate render but a little blocky (because that's how the bombs are): I have all the colors ready for the more accurate render just pm me if you like that one more and pm me for any other changes. Next Up: Mike N ACE 92
hey can u do a sig for me using this pic: Can u put my GT: Zstrike13 in cool font (whatever font u think is coolest) on the top in big lettering and write "What's that behind you..." on the bottom... thx in advance!!!
when you get fifty posts... ya I've been on a little break but I'll be starting back up tommorow yes...yes you can
Use this image, It's my H3 emblem. Take it and remove the green background. Then spiff it up so that it looks better(possibly gradients, etcetera), but keep it mostly white. Then have a bluish fireball type thing around the left bottom, with a tail coming from the right side on the bottom(sort of like a charged Halo 1 plasma pistol shot, except different colours). Have a reddish fireball type thing coming around from the top right side, with a tail coming from the right. At the center have my emblem, and under that, in slightly curved text have Turbo Gerbil. Give it a starry background(under everything mentioned above). Fit it all into a rounded rectangle, shaded as if the lightsource were from just above the leftmost edge of the picture. The rounded rectangle's border should be about 1/10 of the sig's height. The sig should be about 200 pixels high by 500 pixels wide. Do not go over that limit though. Here is a very basic, poorly done representation of the sig: Make the starry background a lighter black, make the border a dark black, the darkest edge of it should be a very slightly bleached black. Also, when doing the fireballs, make them a little less firey, and more glassy(perhaps by fractal imaging within them). Make sure to add some "glassy" sparks near the fireballs. Make some more stars then I show in the pic. "Turbo Gerbil" should be written in whatever font you choose, and the size a little wider than it is in the picture below, but make it the same colours as the emblem. The last thing I request of you is to make the tail a lot like the sparks in the picture, just wider and continuous. It's the same.
can you give the spartan in the pic a matrix like backround with my GT: Blakem0n92 on it and make it smaller so i can use it here
Can you make a sig that shows a spartan eating waffles. Or anything with waffles would be great. Also can you include the phrase "Leggo my eggo!" Thanks.
hey not to be naggy but im soo anxious, is my sig almost done? im dying lol... again, thx soo much in advance
sorry some things have come up (mostly school related) and so I can't make anymore sigs for right know, so I guess if a mod can lock this thread or just let it die than that would be good for right now, I might take more requests in the future but right now I can't. Sorry
Wow so that kinda screws me, especially after waiting all this time. Well any ways good luck with your school problems.
Noooo! Well, I have already gotten some of your fine, high quality H 2 O. Lol... but thanks for all of your great work...
can i get a cool sig for my GT: "Blade160", i don't know really what i want, so can you just think of something cool...i was thinking something like 2 spartans with their swords crossed or something like that....
It's ok. You are doing a favor for the community doing this, and it is not an obligation that you must keep doing it. School should definitely be a priority.