Mercurial Link to Download-Here Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer (anything else would be too quick) Recommended Party Size: 1v1 or 2v2 Description: Mercurial is a small 1v1 or 2v2 map designed purely for team slayer, based in the caverns on avalanche. i used the energy blockers to block all the ways out, then placed sender nodes in the 2 smaller caverns with the corresponding receiver nodes at either end of the central cavern. players spawn in the 2 small caverns where there is two spike grenades, they then enter the sender node which teleports them into the main cavern through one of 3 possible teleporters for each team (to prevent camping). the teleporters are placed around each end of th cavern. inside the main are is two big platforms, a high one and a low one, the high one can simply be jumped to by walking onto a small ledge the red team (because they start at the high end) making this jump also nets you the energy drain (90 sec respawn) which is suspended in front of you as you jump. the blue team have to walk out onto a small raised surface and into a grav lift which propels them along a grav lift chain, which lands them on the high platform. From the surface at the beginning of the grav-chain you can jump onto one of the 4 "ledges" (upside down ramps floating against the caves wall) from here you can continue to jump up them (crouch jumping required) to get the regenerator (2nd ledge) and the beam rifle (150 sec respawn top ledge) anyway, the high platform is 4 horizontal bridges side-by-side with a few walls and barriers providing cover, you can jump onto the slanted wall to get onto the top of the small structure. on the high platform there is a BR, a mauler, two spike grenades and a teleporter which sends them to the floating tower, this tower is an upside down watchtower base, with two corner walls coming out of it at different levels, the teleporter drops you right in the centre (unless you continue running) and onto the sentinel beam (180 sec respawn) from here you can jump back down onto the high platform, or onto the lower platform, (this can also be reached from the high platform) on this there is 2 crates, two barricades, 2 smg's and a BR, there is alot of cover here and the only way off is to crouch jump back to the high platform. Also from the high platform, you can make an easy jump onto the regenerator platform, which is exactly what it sounds like, a single horizontal wall with a regenerator ontop of it, if you go across the main man cannons, you can grab a brute shot mid-flight, and on either of the landing platforms there is a carbine and a BR along with 2 spike grenades. thats basically the layout of the map. Screenshots: the view from the top ledge by the beam rifle spawn, in the top right is the floating tower, in the center is the high platform with the grav lift chain and on the right is the platform that the reds have to jump from to reach the high platform. the high and low platforms the high platform the watch tower with the sentinel beam the lower platform the ledges and the beam rifle that's pretty much it, this is my first map on the legendary dlc and i hope to make more, please give me feedback and any criticisms you may have.
I think the cave is going to be the sight of some epic forging sweet post and good work getting in there and putting a map out.
yes i'm pretty sure that neverless and GO43R are already making something in there, and thanks for not thinking that just because it came out so quickly that it is a crap map.
Looks pretty fun, would be epic for some nive FFA. Very cool and one of the better Lengendary Map Pack Maps so far.
thanks, it won't work to amazingly for FFA but i shall update it once i make it a much more viable gametype, but so far 2v2 TS is my fave game on this map
This looks like it would be fun, as well as being well put together good job on getting the first quality map out too
hooray! i did something right! it is quite good and i spent about 9-10 hours perfecting it, so, thanks
Just might be the best map I've seen on avalanche yet... I know several people that are building map where you did, and yours puts theirs to shame...
Ivory I am trying to get a dlc themed forge team send me a FR (deadsilent24) if you want to team up for a few maps just an idea.
That looks really cool -Download Que- I'm waiting for someone to realease a "template map" for Avalanche where they have made floor down there for forgeing. I can see it happening some time soon, just like canvas maps.
i dunno, not everyone wants the same level floor, and Gordo i might join your dlc forging team if i finish my new map soon, but i'm not sure how i would help, i've never really done serious multiplayer forging before but i'll give it a shot, BTW who else is on the team so far?
Good job on making a map inthere. I lke the way you use the objects to make a sick arial battle. this is the best one ive seen in that area. hope mine can live up to yours
I cant wait to get in there and forge this map myself, or at least the outer cave glitched part, it seems like such a great open space for a map.
This map looks amazing. I mean it looks so creative and intresting. I really like how you used the man cannons as part of your map. Nice job DLing