Welcome to HaloHub - an Online game created just for the Forge Hub community! [jumpto=install]Quick jump to installation and setup instructions[/jumpto] So you may be asking - Why? Well, because I saw that the FH: RPG died, and people enjoyed playing while it lasted. So I hear people saying "Pix or it didnt happen." Bip, Bap, Bam: [aname=install]Installation[/aname] 1. Download HaloHub 2. Create your account here. Enter whatever account number, name and password you like. 3. After creating your account you need to create a Character. You can do that in the account management section, or just follow this link. 4. Click 'Create Character', and follow the on screen instructions. Before choosing your Class, you might want to check out the HaloHub Character Class Guide. Controls Left click: Move Left click+hold: Drag or pick up items Right click: Attack Ctrl + Left click: Gives you a list of options Ctrl + Arrow keys: Rotates your character on the spot Left & Right click: Looks at Item or Character Arrow keys: Movement Starting Out Head downstairs from your initial spawn and head up to the assortment of weapons. You may only right click one chest. Right click according to which Class you selected. Check here for your Class Guide. After you've got the correct weapon head down to rotworms and attack them using Right Click>Attack (or Alt+Click). (If you aren't attacking, check if your weapon is in your Hand Slot) FAQ How do I check my skills? Click the skills button and a list should popup displaying skills and stats. Typed Commands !exp (Tells you how much exp you need for another level) /q (Tells how much gold you have) !online (Tells you who's online) YouTube - HaloHub Beginning Tutorial Oh yeah did I also say there were a couple of fun things to do like play chess or tic tac toe with a friend? Or you can battle each other in a bar fight in the HubPub. Join the HaloHub Social Group for Updates HALOHUB WEBSITE Questions? Reply, PM or send me an in-game message. ~Killor118 Being da Beast.
That's pretty cool that people would actually take the time to make something like this for FH. I was actually chatting with an admin the other day about this. I might give it a try but I doubt I'll be really active on it (not really in to computer games) Great Job! RedNeck
Trying stuff is good i hear these days. Trying stuff is better then throwing out trash... Anyways if you do play thats great and if you dont thats your decision.
GIVE US ACT II. On the other hand, the game looks really good, but I'm giving up with RPGs.. Until FH RPG comes back, where I was actually someone... being a First.
The cool thing is, me and a friend "acquired" a solaris server that the school is going to dedicate bandwidth to.
A southpark refferance, here?, on forgehub?! well I never... Anyway like redneck say's I think its really great to see someone make a halo game for FH, maby once FBU can get act II of FH: RPG you guys could consider working together on another game for us
Its actually not that bad of an idea. But i like to see where this game takes off to before anything else happens.
Seriously people. No one has given an attempt to even try to even Download it! Virus Total Scan: Virustotal. MD5: 3f97ee3a122d6ffe72bb88cce2644651 For those suspicious ones.
This has gone incredibly off-topic. Stay with Killor's OP, guys. This is a thread for a game he produced, not the FH RPG. Respect is key.
Just added some brand new spells. Thinking of adding some Weekend-only areas. And maybe add in the GM shop
I've been pottering about this game for a couple of days now, and it's actually really good. Lots more interaction than was in the old forum RPG, and I haven't really progressed very far yet at all. Will be back with a better review soon - in the meantime I'd really recommend you guys give this a try.
Every time I try to make a character's name, it's either too short, or invalid no matter what I put in... I use rifte gifle, invalid, adssdfs, invalid.
No, seriously. NOTHING is working. It doesn't let me use any username no matter what. "That name seems to contain invalid symbols, please choose another name."