Foundry Espo's Rink Of Fun

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by ONeill117, Oct 4, 2009.

  1. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    Espo's Rink Of Fun
    4-16 players. Gametype and idea by Esposito 14. Map by ONeill117

    Download Map Here
    Download Gametype Here

    This map and gametype go hand in hand and there really is no point in downloading one without the other. This is a lot less competitive than the maps I usually post so please check my sig for the regular stuff.

    This map is basically an 'ice rink' shaped arena on Foundry with one double box in the middle. Aesthetically, it looks very nice (IMO) and the spawnpoints are located around the entire edge of the map. There are four soccer balls, up on top mid, which you can shoot down for added fun

    The gametype, however, is where the fun happens! Players spawn with random weapons (bear with me) and have 300% speed and 75% gravity. It is set to instant kill, so any damage gets you the point, and it is first to 75 kills with no time limit. There are no grenades at start or on map, and there are no weapons on map but you can pick eachothers up. Ammo is NOT unlimited. Standard 3 second respawn and 1 point for a kill with no suicide penalty. There are also no teams.

    The fun of this map simply comes from flying and skidding around in this rink, hoping you get a BR and racking up the multikill medals! I heavily recommend this for anyone looking for a fun game to play!

    Pictures (no descriptions needed):

    Well that's it. Hopefully you can all see the appeal of this map, and will download it, play it and get back to me with comments and advice
    Happy Skating!

    Download Map
    Download Gametype

    Love, ONeill117
  2. l ABlindGuy l

    l ABlindGuy l Ancient
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    First off, I would like to say with no offense, maps like this have been made dozens of times before, but I like the nice soccer ball/aesthetic touch in the middle.

    First thing I noticed when I looked at the pictures, it seems extremley easy to jump your way outside of the map, with 75% gravity. In picture 2 and 4 it looks like you can jump and crouch your way behind the walls and onto the other side of the map. Same with picture 3, it looks like you can get behind that wall. Not saying that there is really any point to escape the map, since it is a Slayer variant, but it might be something to take in consideration if or when you make a V2.

    Also, in pic 4, the stairs look poorly geo-merged. They are sticking out, and makes that side of the map ugly. The back corners' walls look poorly geo-merged as well, they stick out alot, see if you can make them straighter.

    Gameplay seems fun on a map like this, but as I said, maps like this have been done before. Try putting some extra obstacles, or different things that can change gameplay a lot, than just 4 soccer balls.

    Overall, a pretty solid map, I will rate it a 4/5, and give it a more official rating when I come back from testing it.
  3. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    i agree, this has been done before but i bet money that this is the most awesome
    i DID manage to escape once, in forge, because in slayer you get shot at soo quickly that its next to impossible. and then u start losing.
    but write back once u've played and tell me what you think

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