I was watching a video on youtube and they were forging in FFA slayer? Does anyone have a download link?
Don't make my word on this, but I'm really sure it's modded in some way or sort. I've heard about it and know that there was a mod that allowed you to Forge in customs.
There is. I can't remember the name of it(I think it was something like carbine when I played it), but I have played FFA slayer and I could go into forge mode, and yes it's modded. But mods aren't allowed on forgehub anyways, you'll need to find another way of getting it.
I can't post a link, but go on Bnet and search "FT + Forge", and adjust the search criteria so that only game variants show up.
I'm pretty sure its a mod. I don't have it *ahem*, it is definately not on my console. If its the one I'm thinking of, then yes, it is FFA Forge and everyone spawns with flamethrowers. However, mods aren't allowed on Forgehub so don't expect a link.
I have it. It's pretty cool, GREAT for doing screenshots and easier way of not having weapons. Search flamethrower on B.net.
Yea i remember a Forge gametype that worked in customs. It was FFA with Br / Carbine start. Pretty useful actually.
It is a mod made mainly for jumping. "Owned Tom" from BacKToBasiKs made one for us. It is not good for forging, when you save a map you have to go re-pick your map after saving and quiting. And after awhile it deletes your maps that you saved off of your harddrive. You also cannot edit the setting of these gametypes. There is ones with multiple names. Jumpy Jumps Jumpyard JT BacKToBasiKs Modddddddd and others. There is also a few others that have carbine starts, missle pod starts, flamethrower starts etc.
I have played one called carbine, cool but is there much point to it. I mean unless your taking screenshots.
This happens to my friend alot. When he gets realy bad lag he tends to end up in forge mod on matchmaking for some reason but he can't build anything he can only float around.