Supports 8-14 players, must have both AR and BR starts. This map is a sort of “remake” of my Northern Lights map, except different and better and closer to what I originally had in mind when I first decided to make a Ghost Jumping map. Like Northern Lights the map is made specifically for A: Capture the Flag and B: achieving radical Ghost jumps. Thanks to the extra space made available on Sandbox this map actually has some distance between each bowl. So unlike the tepid little leaps you would’ve experienced on Northern Lights, Ghosthoppery actually allows you the chance to obtain significant air. When jumping from bowl to bowl you’ll need to boost if you want to cover enough distance to make the jump, but not too much, otherwise you’ll overshoot and fall off the map (how embarrassing). If you’re having trouble landing your jumps then try to release the boost about halfway between your launch point and your destination. If you find you’re still sliding out of bowls then jump off the Ghost as soon as you hit the ground, doing so immediately halts all your momentum. The four smaller bowls on the map house each team's flag spawn and flag return. As you can see, Blue team's flag spawn is on the right and their return point is on the left. The bowl with your flag leads the interior of the level, an area which acts as the map’s Ghost alternative. So if you’re team has completely lost control of the overhead area, or if you just want to sneak around a bit, you should hang out down there. In the interior you’ll find an upper and a lower level. The lower level usually receives less traffic, so you can be extra sneaky down there, but be aware that those in the upper area can drop down on you. Lower level Also lower level On either side of the upper area you’ll find ramps leading up to the two small bunkers sitting atop the large middle bowl. Use this path as a way to attack Ghosts without exposing yourself, or as an escape rout when a Ghost is hunting you down. Upper level ramp leads... To this bunker The interior lower level has ramps that lead to windows sitting opposite each team’s upper level entrance, the ramp also leads to a teleporter that takes you back to your base. Shoot through the windows to clear a path for your teammates, use the teleporter if your flag is stolen; it’s an all around good support position. The map is made specifically for multiflag but also supports team slayer. Even if you don’t want to play those games download the map just to see how good you are at Ghost jumping. I bet you aren’t very good. Prove me wrong then, hotshot. Download it. What are you, chicken? buk buk buk baguck Download Ghosthoppery
this map reminds of a map on blackout... something like starrynight.... anyways i love it, nicely done i like how smooth and consistent it is all around keep it up im downloading this right away..... 5/5
Love the idea of the map. And all of the levels just make the map something really worth downloading. Is it possible to get the ghost inside the building? lol, anyways really nice map.
I'm guessing you ran out of room to place weapons otherwise you wouldn't tell us to change the starting traits. Correct?
Ah sweet idea love it had a look at your other maps aswell there awesome by the way This is a sure download Love your work the map has awesome merging keep it up
This map looks very well forged, and extremely fun. I cannot find a single problem other than if you completely suck at ghost jumping. I think that it could also have kind of a fun twist if you had infection or oddball in it. So overall it's a great map and awesome gameplay.
This looks great and i'll defiantly download. I really like the lower levels, it really adds to the play of the map. Without them it would just be a ghost jumping thing.
I loved northern lights, since this is an improvement on that, there is no question that I'm am not gunna give it a try. I'm also pro at ghost jumping. Is multi-flag the best gametype? It seems like this map would fit slayer well.
Thanks for all the compliments so far. You're probably thinking of my Northern Lights map (third in my sig). Yes it can get inside, but the outcome is similar to what happens when you drive a Ghost into Snowbound's cave. Everyone stops playing Slayer and starts playing Stick the Ghost. My item limit thing capped out. If only Bungie had allowed me to place a few more items, it's mostly their fault you see. If you suck at Ghost jumping than you, more than anyone else, should be downloading this and practicing. Other gametypes like oddball don't work all that great because you can just hide below with the ball and avoid the Ghosts, undermining the entire point of the map. Stuff like territories won't work because the top of the map is too small for it. Yeah, a big problem I had with Northern Lights was that the lower level was so small, it was tough for more than one or two people to fight or hide from the Ghosts down there. I'm glad to hear you're good at Ghost jumping. It'll serve you well once the economy finally collapses and wicked sweet Ghost jumps become currency. Multiflag is best because it forces players up top to deal with the Ghosts, but team Slayer also works too.