Hi this is my first post on forge hub. What this basicaly is is a Diner/repair shop/gas station in middle of a desert. The roads got closed off as a U.F.O (unidentified flying object crashed next to the diner. The military got sent in to investigate. Weapons:Battle rifle,Rocket launcher,shotgun,assult rifle,sniper rifle Vehicles: Warthog X3, Gauss 2X, Hornet 1X, Scorpian 2X, Mongeese 2X, Wraith 1X, Transport Hornet (not usable) 1X Download Map Here Download Game Here Ok onto the pics! Sorry but I can't get the pics to work sorry=(
Haloscreenshots is down as I am sure you have found out Here is another way to get embedded pics the old-fashioned way.
You forgot to end the brackets before typing [/url]. That should make your links work. Besides that, get the pictures to work or you'll be locked.