BR is your friend. I got an Untouchable keeping the flanks secure last custom game night.... that weapon is fearsome with one headshot kills. Then I got overwhelmed and it was fun as hell dying. ???
I think a Compound 43C would be awesome. What would be different? Would it be just a version 2.0? A whole new map?
This was the first map that Yavi and I ever made so it clearly has its flaws. We would clean it up and make sure that it is more balanced this time around. We made the map before we knew any of the stuff from the Forging 101's so an update would indeed be pretty.
i actually played with someone yesterday who claimed they made ur map. it is a good zombie map. i remembered ur map from before and i told the kid off. he was not pleased and i got the boot. u should create a more indepth compound on one of the new maps.
I will one up you, I was in a party and I didn't know the host and the host or anybody else didn't know me anyways he starts telling them about this sweet d-day map he made and how he was gonna play it next game so I stick around till next game and it turns out to be MY map! I tell him but I was overwelmed because everyone in the party was his friend so I was quickly booted.
Because people are retarded and always looking to be special somehow .... sometimes stealing is the only way ...
I got a chat invite from some 9 year old today, he said he just wanted to tell me that he is stealing my map and is telling people that he made it, I said alright have fun I am going to report you now. So I sign off trickmyster and sign on my other alias, "halomoderator" and send him a warning message telling him his account is going to be disabled, he panics and starts begging I tell him the only way to stop his account from being banned is for him to remove the stolen map from his system and too send trickmyster an apology. I sign on trickmyster listen to my apology and lmao. THE END...just wanted to tell a story about me getting back at thiefs. XD
Would that work on someone older than 9 though? Regardless it's pretty damn funny. I wish I could've recorded it or something.