Hey guys! Im new to forgehub and I have a map request. Im looking to see if any one can recreate the "Experiment Facility" mercanaries level from resident evil 5. If anyone could do that it'd be great and I would really appreciate it.
Wrong section, so I will vote somebody moves this. On the other hand, it would be absolutely amazing if somebody did this, so I will check it out after it is moved to see if anyone thinks its possible!
You dont EVER want to post in the Halo Forge Maps section unless your posting a map, you should probably have posted this in the Halo Forge Discussion forum.
Woah, six hours and no move. This is sitting here on the front page under the community maps at the moment. I hope someone moves this soon.. Anyway, you should've posted it under forge discussion as madcow said.
Even though im a crappy forger I have an idea how this could work..it would have to be on sandbox because oundry would be too small the lower half of the map could be in the grifball court and the upper parts could be placed on the grid with a teleporter to get up there