Shift: Is it even possible?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R, Oct 4, 2009.

  1. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Alright, I've had a good idea. Most race maps (on halo, and on forgehub) are amazing. Forge-wise. Some of them are really fun, but none of them have any sense of speed. And all of them use mongooses. So here's my preposition: a real race. That's right, a circuit, with warthogs. This would have mancannons lining the walls, so that speed can be maintained. But this would be hard, and I have no experience with race maps. :surprise:mg: So no, this wouldn't be very easy for me at all. Er, thoughts? Ideas?
  2. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Define "real". I see what you're getting at, but there are only 8 Mancannons, so you'd have to use them wisely.
  3. FuriousFilly720

    FuriousFilly720 Ancient
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    you could make a like a very short sprint race with 8 man cannons, but dont forget you could also add gravlifts.
  4. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    People tend to use turrets to piss people off, or drive other people the wrong way to annoy people. Mongeese are the only single person vehicles that you can't shoot on, which is why they are so commonly used.
  5. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    Mongooses are faster than warthogs. There's also the problems with warthogs' lack of mobility and the fact that they have turrets on their backs. Also, mancannons lining the outside of the track don't speed you up, they just shove you towards the middle, and you'd need about 20-30 mancannons for this idea to even become plausible.
    #5 Mongoose, Oct 5, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2009
  6. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    false and false.
    a mongoose is slower than a warthog,but has much better mobility and can turn on a dime.

    and mancannons wont push you in if you have the right angles,thats all those are really,just angles....with power. they would only push you in if placed flat against the wall,if pulled back a bit,and adjusted they would let you keep speed. and I dont see why you would need 20-30 mancannons.
  7. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    You mean Need for Speed: Shift? I haven't played it yet, but it looks epic.

    I wonder if you can glitch all the warthogs to have no turrets or something. Too bad this isn't Halo PC, where you can drive regular cars and have those booster pad things like in Mario Kart (through other people's mods and creations).

    Maybe you can change the game settings to make people be drivers only? Isn't there a setting like that? Also, why not just make a race where it's not a circuit, it's just a simple "Get from point A to point B" race, and make it dynamic, meaning that there is more than just one street, maybe having some routes going sideways or under and over that give you little slight advantages. And just add mancannons as obstacles, instead of boosters, to spice it up a bit.
  8. BWO Kilroy

    BWO Kilroy Ancient
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    With 8 Mancannons and idk how many gravlifts and weapon holders you MIGHT be able to pull off a circuit style map. Although you would be better off going with a straight drag strip.
  9. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    Just to clarify, better mobility just makes it faster than a warthog. Of course it's not faster in terms of max speed, but warthogs have to slow down to make turns, which makes the mongoose faster in a sense. I was a little vague when I said that.

    And I assumed from what OP was saying that he wanted mancannons around the entire outside of his circuit, and really that's what is necessary in terms of his idea of intense speed in a racetrack. And the mancannons will push you in when you lose speed from being hit. Other than that theres not many other problems with this idea.

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