Ok so this is my first conquest map. It's nothing compared to all the conquest maps out the but w.e. I am almost positive I messed up the spawns, but i am unable to get some people together to try it out myself. So I hope u guys give me feedback and if the spawns are messed ill fix them. Ok takes place in the skybubble on sandbox. Map only took 4 or so hours, i avoided the use of interlocking for time reasons, also the sides are as close to symettrical as i coul get them Pictures: Blue Base Blue Territory Number 2 No Picture... Middle Territory Red Territory Number 2 Red Base Weapon List(off the top of my head) 4x Spiker 4x Spike Grenades 2x Brute Shot 4x Battle Rifle 4x SMG 2x Plasma Rifle 8x Frag Grenade 4x Carbine 2x Sniper Rifle Best played with large parties enjoy and give feedback please. I think there will be major spawn issues cause im new to the spawning System. So any tips on how to fix will be necessary. Download links: Map: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=96435661 Gametype:Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
your pics aren't correctly posted, please fix within 24 hours, i dont have a link but im sure you will find out from others, use photobucket and copy the image code
Good job on getting your post up to standards. Ok as far as your post is concerned you have done well providing a weapons list pics and a DL link. Your map isnt bad either however do not be surprised if people dont like the fact that a lot of your walkways do not have guardrails. It just helps when strafing and stuff and not falling off. So if you make a V2 or any other maps be sure to include them.
I think the spawns will be a bit open (you haven't actually shown us where they are but NVM), assuming that they are on that arch along the back platform. Also you have appeared to use little to no geo-merging. I think that if you cleaned this map up a bit and merged a bit more I would download. So no download ATM, but I look forward to a V.2
Guard rails are needed I just didnt have time. Also i willl do some merging and interlocking for v2. Merging and interlocking will be done by next week, but as for the guard rails tonight
Take inspiration from truly good conquest maps--none of them are in the skybubble... And you should practice interlocking a bit more before posting.
as far as your first post, i wont be too hard on you however the map has too many detours, conquest is all about "one way one goal" objective gametypes, and from the looks, if you have too many variations in places to go, it tends to decrease gamplay, im sure gunnergrunt can help you more than me, but those are just a few pointers, look at my conquest map for reference on the "one way one goal" that conquest maps must have
Scrap this map i didnt put time into like i should have. Ill do a new one and have it in maybe 3 weeks time.
really all this needs is some expanision off the walkways that and some cover for the open expanses and this should be good
I'm happy to see that you experimented with the conquest feel, but I don't think you represented it very well. The map is breakable, which is funny because it's already completely open. I feel like you have the spirit but are just too lazy to forge the good project. It could be pretty solid, I mean you stray from the spirit/tradition of conquest, but somethings definately there.