Grip Grip was designed with multi team and FFA in mind with no place on the map offering a significant advantage over another and with weapons spread out to keep one area from being dominated or contested. The four way rotational symmetry and minimal cover keeps gameplay fast paced with everyone on their toes. Swat and Snipers are the best gametypes although regular slayer plays well too. [table][td]Light Weapons 4 needlers 4 covenant carbines[/td][td]Heavy Weapons 4 Sniper Rifles 4 Brute Shots 1 Rocket Launcher[/td][td]Equipment 8 Plasma Grenades 4 Bubble Shields 1 Regenerator[/td][/table]
Looks sick It looks pretty sick, but a little plain? Also, seeing as you took the screen shot in forge it seems as you haven't tested it.. Oh well, I'll dl and try because it looks like work was put into it.
I have already tested it with slayer and swat, with it being especially fun in swat. I just used the same picture from before the testing because only weapon spawns were changed
This map kinda looks familiar but maybe it is just me. Anywho this maps layout kinda looks fun but did you interlock all the floor pieces? It doesnt look like you did so doing this will add to the quality of your map a LOT. (a description helps too even if it seems pointless. One other thing- guardrails also add to skybubble maps' quality. You did good it just needs some other things to make it great.
I have not interlocked the floor yet, however I will do this at some point once the layout is perfected. During the inital testing this seemed to have no effect on gameplay but I do not deny the importance of asthetics.
I would definantly interlock the floor pieces, and because of the unique cover I can see how this could be fun as a swat or sniper map. (but why listen to me, I only joined the site a few days ago. Keep up the good work, I'll download & try it out.
Looks like a very sexy map, but it has only one screenshot. On a map this small, it won't take many screenshots, so just get a few and we'll see this beast's awesome! BTW, you're my hero for putting FOUR Needlers on the map.
Look's like a good map, it has a pretty good layout, decent amount of cover, yeah um I can't really say much but it doesn't have a WOW! factor like something thats aesthetically pleasing, like changing that center piece into something like idk anything you can think of cause it seems kinda plain. well anyway hmmm, no rate yet can't really decide what it deserves.
I know it doesnt look very original which comes mainly from the fact that I made this one day while I was bored. This would also account for the lack of interlocking. Despite how flat this seems it actually does have great cover. Additionally the open layout makes this ideal for swat, and snipers. The point of this is just to have fun and supprisingly one of my 6 player ffa games lasted only 3 minutes, and ended with nearly equal scores. Needless to say everyone will kill quickly and die quickly. People often say the layout remindes them of guardian.
Although there is nothing spectacular or particularly eye-popping about this map, it has a very nice geometry and looks like it could be a lot of fun for casual gametypes or various custom games. I would really like to play a melee game or a sniper game here. Although you probably wouldn't use a large number of players, from your screenshot it looks like you don't have very many spawn points. I'm gonna download it and try it out
I never thought of using this for melee before, but its worth a try. It might be a bit too flat for that, however that's what makes it good for swat and snipers.