Map: The X-Roads Gametype: Flag Rally 2 Screenshots: Overview Fun with Friends: Sniper Guass Fire Over the Top Lurker About the Map Basically my map is on the flying layer of Sandbox with a big base in the middle and four bases bridging off it making crossroads. Each side base has its own unique layout, weapons and some vehicles which you can only fire from but not move around in. The bases vary in sizes meaning one team will start in a poor base, another a better one, and incresingly better. Also they have several fusion coils to stop total camping of all bases. However nobody spawns or starts in the center base. The teams should be an equal number varying from 2-4 players a team (the game is impossible playing the game one person on a team). There should be a maximum of 4 teams otherwise the spawning won't work. Gametype Rules Gametype: Territories Scoring: Flag Rally Player Traits:- Primary Weapon: Assault Rifle Grenades: 2x Frags Special Traits: No Lives: Unlimited Number of Players Required: 8, 12 or 16. Conclusion The X-Roads is a fast, tactical game which will determine your teamwork skills. Its not how long you hold the bases for its how many you can capture and hold. With lots of teams trying to counter your stratergy... Its no longer a game, but war! So how about you get some friends together and engage in some true halo warfare! Enjoy and thanks for reading
Welcome to Forghub! it looks like your post is up to standards but you have left a few unanswered questions like what is the minimum amount of players you can have on this map in order for it to work properly? And what kind of weapon's you have in the map and a general idea of were there located. All together I would give this map a 3/5 because it looks like it could still use some work i.e. maybe some guard rails so people can't fall off so easy. But I do like the idea keep up the good work!
I suggest adding some cover between bases, and adding man cannons to go between the outer bases. also the wraith looks a little over powering yet cannot defend its immediate vicinity
I am not really sure how the shield doors would affect the game, its hard to take those into account My first instinct is that those might give people defending the base a large advantage, which might be good, depending on the weapon placement. (ie. a shotgun in the base would entice camping but a sniper would need to come out of cover to fire.)
I see... I just tried it and it makes very little difference... Today I will do barriers and re-upload more pics for you guys UPDATE: More pictures added of a forge game in action! (The pictures are in forge just a forge battle).