Stone Jungle v4 Download Now!!! This took a while to perfect but it was worth it. You can't escape it. It is a jungle of stone. Radar can't help you here as there is 3 floors and a huge tube network. You have 1 ramp, 1 hole in a hallway and multiple ways up to the top and to the bottom. PS...this is for slayer only. No other game types are ready for this map. Weapons... Rocket Sniper rifle Sword...hidden Flash Flame grenades Spike grenades 2 maulers overshield cloak Gravity hammer Spikers Flamethrower Bubble shield Regenerator landmine carbine brute shot Deployable shield Shotgun This map gets pretty fun and hairy real quick. 2-16 players. The map is so dynamically built that it doesn't matter how many people you have on the map it will still play fast and well. Enjoy the fun. Trust me...this is one crazy map. Sweet things happen here. Download Now!!!
I can see you have taken your time on this map, but their is a problem power weapons like shotgun, sword, rocket maulers, bruteshot and other weapons are too powerfull for narrow area. For example the shotgun and sword will domiate because it's hard for the enemy to kill him. I like the middle bit but same thing it's a bit to narrow and all of those power weapons will domiate, with the tripmine i understand sometime people fall into the mine but why would you put a land mine in a map with no vehcals. In the first picture you can see their are like 50 narrow hallways this will be easy for the people with the powerfull enemies to lkill you. The map itself is very well forge i love the middle. And when you get up their from the lift is there a way back down anyway. Keep forging
You may think that however that doesn't happen on this map. The timers are set properly as well as placement so that they do not dominate. Trust me...this map has been played hundreds of times and it always works great and the sword is rarely used. The majority of use is flame grenades, maulers, rocket, invisibility, spike grenades, machine gun, and carbine. And as for the works great and people use it often as it is a great thing to put around corners. Proximity sets it off when they can't see it well or a grenade hits it popping a whole bunch of people. Enjoy PS...why do people say how a game plays out if they haven't tried it? It's especially funny when the map they are poo pooing never happens the way they predict it will.
Anyway what gametypes does it play to be a competitive map it has to have the normal team slayer and if you want CTF BOMB. with how you said how i comented without playing the map i had played it allready i download first then coment. i played with 5 other players and sometimes it just gets to hectic
This really reminds me of way back when Foundry was the ultimate forge map and this looks like a map I played on long ago, but this is bigger and better,, thanks for bringing back some of my memories. Great Job - 9/10 - Reincarnation
the first picture looks good, but the tube system looks a bit boring, i would rethink that section. forging looks nice tho, 6/10
WOW, this map looks insanely fun for gameplay. The map its self is also very detailed and looks pretty cool. I think you should make this map for infection also that would be great. 4.5/5 keep forging