Hey guys I didn't want to have to do this, but I can't find anyone to do the vidmasters with. I'm looking for a group for -Annual mooseIV -Deja Vu Y35 <3 SRC48 boomerdude -Endure boomerdude Post a message and what ones you are willing to do and when and I'll add you to the list so people can get help. Thanks.
If I'm on, I'll be willing to do de ja vu. I'm not down for annual(bad memories, and I have it) After getting de ja vu, I might help with endure even though I have it, but IDK. GT: Teh Swine Flu
it depends if you guys are a bunch of sissys i might quit on you .... if de ja vu takes 3 hours cause someone keeps on dieing ....... iv'e tried de ja vu plenty of times and everybody i do it with sucks.... i am willing to do it on monday... also endure because those are the last achievements i need for ODST then i can be done with it......
ok I want to try to do annual tonight around 7 EST then hopefully move on to Deja Vu. I should have gotten annual last night but some kid gut his ghost stuck and.... i don't want to talk about it. I might upload a video of it though.