Sandbox Void ridge

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by gnurdbn, Oct 3, 2009.

  1. gnurdbn

    gnurdbn Ancient
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    Void ridge
    Press title to download. (thx satan130)​

    Supports Slayer, KOTH, Oddball, VIP, Juggernaut, Infection.

    Methods and concepts
    Okay, so basically, this is a fairly small map, inspired from guardian and cold storage. The whole deal with it is that it's placed outside the borders of sandbox (where the guardians shoot at you). Though it is enclosed enough not to get you killed unless at certain parts of the map where it is supposed to kill you.

    The map has a kinda claustrophobic feeling, as if you were trapped (which you obviously are) :p. The map is "messy" in a neat way. It doesn't have these 90 degree angles all over the map and is not completely symmetrical where you might think it would be, and i made it like that with purpose.

    The map has got a larger room in the center and several "corridors" bending around it, kinda like guardian. But you can't see further than to the walls of wherever you might be, as the map needs to be enclosed due to guardians. That's the cold storage part. The floor of the map is mostly the sand im building on, so it's not completely flat, which also gives a whole new feeling compared to other basic sandbox maps.

    At some areas, there will be a yellow flashing light kinda like an alarm or something. Thats the guardians shooting on the outside of the wall you're behind. This is a cool effect, but you will hear the explosions outside (might be annoting) allthough, it gives a certain effect too. And the whole structure will only be shot at from one direction, so when you're at the other side of the map, you won't hear the sound as much.

    There is one thing you would need to know about this map. And that is (in my opinion) a really cool and useful effect applied to grenades and the powerdrain. That effect is, that when close to a wall of which guardians shoot at, grenades and powerdrain might explode faster than they usually do. Though they won't explode at you as far as i know. so it's quite good for keeping enemies at distance.

    You're probably wondering how i did this map. I used the "no-clip" technique. you can find info about it in the forge discussion forum.

    The story behind the map is that the map is the inside of a surrounded flood nest. You are trapped inside and going out of it would result in death. So what is there left to do but to have some fun. Spartans and elites spend the rest of the time they have left to live playing games. And with games, I mean slayer and king of the hill etc.

    Info about the map
    This map is fairly small, works with 2-6 players, but when there's 6 players, it might get nasty. I would recommend 2-4.

    As you will see, the map doesn't have that disgusting yellow light that's on the sandbox ground level (where you usually build maps). This map has a softer, calming light, which makes quite some difference.

    This map has got some weapons and equipment lying around (obviously). These are:
    -BR (2)
    -Shotgun (1)
    -Plasma pistol (1)
    -Plasma rifle (2)
    -SMG (2)
    -Needler (1)
    -Mauler (1)
    -Frag nade (4)
    -Plasma nade (4)
    -Power drain (1)
    -Invisibility (1)

    I can understand if you get confused due to the pics, its really hard to show with only pics when the map is enclosed (no overview/nothing to relay to) I was gonna make a movie, but apparently it costs money, and im poor at the moment, but i'll make one later :) I'll try to explain as good as possible.

    This is the spawnpoint of the red team. Theres a needler on that shelf. If you enter the tunnel to the right you will get...

    [​IMG] This is where a BR and two frag nades spawn. If you make a left hand turn here, you will go to the "dome" which is the center of the map. And if you go to the right hand side, you will reach a t-crossing...

    ...that looks like this. If you then go right again, you will get to what this picture is looking at. "The bridge". The pic is taken from another larger area bending around the center.

    This is the red side of the bridge. the bridge is curving above the "dome" (center). and at the top, there is a drop-down hole from the bridge down to the dome at the top of it.

    The top of the bridge is wider. This is where the SMG's spawn at. Theres a hole in the roof. if you jump into it, guardians might kill you, so be careful ;)

    Then it continues down to the blue side. To get out, you go down to the wall, then you go to the right. Keep in mind, that the map is supposed to look messy in a neat way at some areas :).

    This is how it looks when you go right. The exit is beneath the blue columns. The plasma nades have been removed.

    This is how it looks from the outside. The exit is of course also an entrance. The opening at the left side of the pic leads to the blue's spawn area. this pic is taken from that larger area. There's a mauler spawning here.

    This is that larger area (not a very good pic sorry). This is where the plasma pistol spawns. Ths pic shows a shotgun, but it's an older pic. This is also where 2 plasma nades spawn

    This is what the shotgun at the previous pic is leaning against (note that the shotgun is replaced bu a plasma pistol on the real map). On the left side of the pic you can see the "t-crossing" from the red side. The corridor behind the powerdrain is leaning down towards the dome.

    This is the center room, "the dome". This is where most corridors connect to. This is the spawnpoints of the plasma rifles and 2 plasma nades. Pic is taken from the corridor mentioned at last pic. To the left is red sides entrance to the dome. And straight ahead leads to another corridor. To the right is blue sides entrance (not shown in the pic).

    This is taken from the plasma nades looking at where the previous pic was taken from. You need to crouch jump to get up there.

    The "straight ahead" of last pic leads here. this is where 2 plasma nades spawn. Behind us is a ramp that leads up to a corridor that is connecting the blue and red side.

    It looks like this. Behind us is pic one. To the right above the ramp that leads to the dome, is where the shotgun spawns. It is a sword on the pic, but yet again, i changed that.

    Continue, and you'll get here. Go down there and take a right, and you'll be at the blue sides starting area. This corridor is where the "alarm" will be. It'll be flashing yellow.

    This is the spawn area of the blue team looking at where you came from from last pic.

    This is taken from the red side looking at the blue's entrance to the dome.

    This is an overview picture. As you see, it doesn't tell you very much about the map. Those sticks coming out of the ground at red startingarea is like any limit that tells you where you risk being killed if you go. In other words, the guardians will most likely shoot you. Then again, sometimes they don't, but theres nothing out there anyways.

    I owe a thanks to you who came up with the "no-clip" technique. This would have been impossible without it.

    Yet again, i'm sorry for the confusion i might have caused. A movie would be a lot better. You'll probably find some details once you play the map.

    Oh and by the way. There is a video on my fileshare that shows the map if you wanna download it to your xbox. It's called "void ridge prev"...and if anyone wanna tell me how to disguise the DL link into a piece of text, feel free to tell me how ;)
    #1 gnurdbn, Oct 3, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2009
  2. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    WOW, thats all
    This is an amazing well made map, im happy that people have been putting the no-clip forge techniqe to good use. the overall feel of the map so far looks great, theres no normal angles or boring rooms its all exotic and new. i have to se this for my self and ill give my input on the gameplay.
  3. Satan130

    Satan130 Ancient
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    I really can't tell if this is well made, and saposed to look slopy, or just slopy. it also looks preaty easy to brek, but again, i con't tell. I'ma DL and see for myself.

    To put a link in text, write the text you want, highlight it, click the Insert Link button(looks like the earth with a chain in front of it), put in the link and click OK.

    will look like this.
    Download Link

    quote my post to see what it looks like before posting.
  4. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    You can probably break it, but the guardians will shoot you.
  5. Satan130

    Satan130 Ancient
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    Yup found that out the hard way.

    Anyway, i DL'd, and sorry, but it's pretty bad. It's sloppy, but that's not always a bad thing. in this case, it is. There are protruding pieces that hinder your ability to walk around. It also just looks bad. Not that aesthetics are everything, quite the contrary, but it's to the point where it hinders the map, quite a bit.

    dreaddraco2 is right, the gardians stop you from breaking the map, and the poles that tell you how far you can walk before you die means that you did this on purpose. However, this seems like chopping off a mans leg because he broke his toe. sure, he no longer has to worry about the toe, but now there are worse problems. The constant flashing lights are annoying, and the sound is far worse. there was also a point in your map where i jumped, completely inside the map, and was killed by the guardians.

    All in all, it looks like another thrown together map. the only difference is that you used a new glitch. 2/5.
  6. VIBlackDragonIV

    VIBlackDragonIV Ancient
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    Haha thats kinda funny. I have been wanting to do this kind of map but I decided to wait and see if someone else would run with the idea.
    I can see a lot of effort in the map and it looks good and thought out. Idk if it plays well but you definitely get an A for effort.
  7. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Is it an intended sloppy, like the Hollow? Even so, your map needs a little more control. Some floors look a little bumpy on the second story but more importantly there are some pretty cramped hallways. If you don't think so, please post a video so that lazy downloaders here will feel more obligated to download your map.
  8. gnurdbn

    gnurdbn Ancient
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    If it was on the top of the bridge, you were supposed to die. I stated that in my first post.

    It was an idea i got when i thought of all the different ways the map itself can kill you. In other words, walking across the borders like sandtrap, or falling off, like guardian. I came up with the new idea that jumping would kill you (sometimes) because up on the bridge is a fairly good camping spot, so i made it as a downside when it comes to camping up there.

    Yes it is intended. I have not yet found any bumps on the floor. I spent a couple of minutes on every block just to avoid that.

    I did make a video of the map, im just not prepared to pay 750 ms points to get it. If you wish to see it you may go to my fileshare and dl to halo 3.
  9. JoshRicks

    JoshRicks Ancient
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    WOW! stunning... looks what the no-clip glitch can do! the map looks like it could play well... and be interesting playing a slayer map with people occasionally being killed by the guardians :p lol... i'll download :)
  10. A Fluffy Pillow

    A Fluffy Pillow Ancient
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    Ok, i dl'ed this map and did a forgethrough yesterday. Overall, i'm really impressed. By far my favorite area is the red base with the fencing, and i really like the idea of it not being entierly enclosed-which i thought it was at first. I haven't found too many bumps and it's location is really original. Lastly; did u block the towers before you started building it than unblock them, or did u just overload the map since you don't have to save and quit everytime with the ghost mergezz. Idk just woundering
  11. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I just hate to see this without a gravity hammer
  12. gnurdbn

    gnurdbn Ancient
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    Glad you liked it. I overloaded the map when i made it.

    I thought of placing a gravity hammer somewhere, but i thought the shotgun would fit better. It was a really hard decision though.
  13. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Guardian has a shotgun and a gravity hammer.
    Why not here?
  14. gnurdbn

    gnurdbn Ancient
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    This map is smaller, than guardian, and you cant look across the map. So if you come around a corned someone might stand there with a hammer and you'll be dead. If that person would have a shotgun, the odds arn't as big that you die immediately
  15. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    I'm with Scobra on this one, The noise is my main detterant from playing this map again. I know you can't help that and the guardians are what make this map inescapable, but, omg my friends and I didn't finish a FFA to 25.

    There are some bumps, but nothing too drastic I thought. Just the noise....
  16. gnurdbn

    gnurdbn Ancient
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    I actually considered blocking off the towers, but then i wouldnt be able to interact them with the map. I tried to block off some sections of the map, but then if someone is in a section where the towers does shoot, you will still hear the sound.
  17. MSG

    MSG Ancient
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    GRATE map love it .awsome fuseing only hate who you hear the towers shooting so gay
  18. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Played this map through a friend and LOVED it. I used the shotgun to effectively get a running riot while camping. I won by one. I love the design and overloading the map while getting the forge done. Weapon layout is a little iffy but its a good map =D
  19. MetaLemur

    MetaLemur Ancient
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    i like the idea and feel of closed and messy but neat. BUT..... the floors in thise were cool loooking messy but were too bumpy so in a v2 u need to fix the floors in those few spots and now there is a no clip technique so keep up the good work. peace
  20. gnurdbn

    gnurdbn Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for all the feedback guys! Really appreciated <3
    #20 gnurdbn, Oct 9, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2009

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