By ER1C0 Story: I'll try to make this short.. Well, I've only seen one golfing map in the entire history of Halo.. and it wasn't bad, but it wasn't too good either. That's when I thought, "Hey, why don't I make an awesome golf map?" So after bit of forging here, a bit of testing there, and here you've got it, Grunt's Fairway. Description: This map includes 4 holes, each with two "golf carts" (otherwise known as mongeese), two golf clubs, two golf balls, a starting point and an ending point, boundaries, a few obstacles here or there, etc. etc.. But you may be wondering if this has some sort of scoring system. Well, it does, but I only had enough cash to add it to the last hole. Think of it as this: you've got 3 practice holes where you can screw off and have fun, then there's the last, competitive hole, where you can actually try.. Also, I've hidden a single grenade on each hole. A frag on hole 1, a plasma on hole 2, a spike grenade on hole 3, and a fire grenade on hole 4.... just as a side goal. Lastly, there is an oddball gametype that goes with this, which includes: -Starting weapon: plasma rifle (since you're unable to start with a golf club) -Infinite ammo -No grenades -125% damage -Invulnerability -Indestructible vehicles And that's pretty much it. Pictures: Hole 1 start Warning: explosions!!! It's really not that epic in-game... but it can be if you make it.. Hole 2... I think this is the longest one. Look at those big balls glistening in the sun... that didn't sound dirty at all. I'm such a ninja Hole 3... I wonder where that spike grenade could be... Bring that huge ball down that hole... That... also wasn't dirty.. at all. It's a lot harder than it looks.... *facepalm* Hole 4 in all its epicness! Hole 4's scoring system I win! Download: Map Gametype Make sure to comment. Edit: wait, seriously? 325 views and not a single comment? .... sweet ....
You wanted a comment? Well, you got it. First off, their have been many golf courses in halo 3, all being very simple and without a scoring system. However, I like the fact that this has a very unique scoring system and each of the holes have a twist to them (rather than each one being the exact same, but in different areas and different aesthetics). Great job, er1c0!
Only 1 Other Comment , Thats Sad For A Great Map Like This I Give It A 9/10 Because Of The Hole Variety And what Looks To Be A Little Difficulty For Each Hole Unlike The Other Golf Course That Have Been Made And You Could Have Merged In A Couple Place To Make It Look Better
I made two golf maps both with scoring systems when Sandbox first came out. Anyway the pics look good but you did not explain how the game variant works at all. That would have been nice. Other than that, I like the fact that you use multi levels for this map. Great idea and nice post. Will DL and have to check this out even though I have no idea how the game variant works.
Really? I never saw them.. I'll try to search for them. K, just edited in the gametype info. This map took a fair amount of time so I'm just glad at least 3 people are willing to comment.
Sweet a Golf map never played on one of these, I like it how masive the golf arena is. with the lasers blocked and all. The real challange is playing the game and getting that hole in one >-<