Artificial By Ladnil AKA Vodka Fountain This artificial ski slope attracts little business while it snows outside, despite its state of the art chairless lift system. 2-8 players. Plays Slayer and King best, but it is set up for all gametypes but infection. This map has been a work in progress for over one year. I recently posted a blog about this map's construction process, but suffice to say that ghost merging has made geomerging easy enough that I finally completed the map. Not all of the merges are ghosted, mostly just the defender's base and some things around the OS. Here come the pics: Just an overview, with the oddball spawn shown in the middle. Bottom map overview. Rockets spawn on that weapon holder, spawn at start=no. Closer view of the defenders' base, which you could partially see in the last screenshot. That teleporter goes... Shotgun is in this tunnel as well. Overshield, and the man cannon railing. The man cannons give off light, which this corner needs since as you can see, the floor is pitch dark. A better view of the top of the map. Thanks for checking my map out, and any feedback is greatly appreciated. Download here
Wow this looks like you put in a lot of effort into this map and you said you sarted it a year ago? I have maps like that but I doubt I will ever complete them. Anyways your map looks awesome. The mancannon railing was a creative and very effective use of resources. I never would have thought of it, but maybe thats not saying much. Anywho my question is what weapons are on the map? If you could provide a weapons list that would be cool. Kudos to you sir on completing your ambitious map you did well.
Finally a great new Avalanche map with colour coding and all! You have my download from the obvious effort you put into this alone. EDIT: OK so I downloaded and had a quick run-through. Very impressive! Your architecture is brilliant and you have created some very interesting geomertry as a result. On top of this, the aesthetics are fantastic (thankyou, thankyou, thankyou for colour coding those boxes). Looks like it would be a great FFA map
Looks very nice. I do like the color coded boxes. Will DL and give it a forgethrough next time i get on XBL. I also love that you built this in the middle room of Avalanche. I've been thinking about doing a map in there for a while. I just could not think of a good design like this one.
Thank you and everybody else for the complements. I've already got several significant changes planned, so I'm going to hold off on a weapons list until V2 is up. For now, please enjoy FFAs and small team games and if you have any feedback, I'll be happy to consider it.
I really like your architecture. It isn't easy to build a completely new map on Avalanche. Let alone a good one. The fact that you built it in that little cave is another pus. Though I would just like to be clear, Dow and I made a map named 'The Artificial' for the template contest and we released it back in August/September. When I saw the thread title, I thought someone tried stealing our map. lol.
It looks pretty nice, especially the man cannon railing next to the overshield. The color codeing looks nice, but green wouldn't have been my choice. I think blue boxes would look really nice up against the blue cave walls, but whatever it hardly makes a difference. Also, is the watchtower base aera smooth to walk over, it LOOKS bumpy from the picture eventhough i haven't played on it. Lastly I really like the bridges leading to the mancanon ledge in the 2nd picture, idk it just looks really nice. Overall; it looks really good judgeing on pictures alone, nice job
Ok, after my forgethrough I can answer some of my own questions. The watchtower base Is supprisingly flat. However, you still have a ton of stuff/supplys left. Maby push the needelar back a little into the cliff hallway and make it the needelar room. And the green is also growing on me lol. Eventhough what's up with the one random red box by the bubble and overshield? EDIT: you should also add another picture of the defenders base, this time facing the ramp in the watchtower. That is my favorite part cus i love little hight changes and stuff
I tried for a long time to fix those two red boxes, but ended up giving up. I'm not too worried about them being red because they always appear black except in the first round of Forge mode. Play a custom, or just start a new round in forge and you won't be able to tell without lighting it with something.
This is amazing but you might think of making a map like this on sandbox. There you could make this much cleaner and your time would be better spent.
Wow, that is aboslute crap. That kind of thinking is exactly why half of the maps on forgehub nowadays are unimaginative and noncreative. He made it on avalanch because he had the idea of incoperating the ski slope with the lauchers in the cave. And guess what? It looks great, it's got a great atmosphere (try making the crystal blue cave this map is placed in on sandbox) and it's a break from the dull brown which comes with just about every sandbox map. I say kudos to you, Ladnil, great job making this and not deciding to go with sandbox. You made the right choice =)
Thanks for defending me Haha, sorry bout that. I was going to name it some kind of nonsense word that doesn't relate to the map at all, but my last map post half the people complained about the name not relating to the map, so I quickly came up with the artificial ski slope angle as a back story for the map, and named it that way.
gave this a dl a while ago, so im back with some feedback. not many people make quality maps on avalanch anymore, so when i saw the map it really caught my eye. the map is full of interesting features/structures that bring out the gameplay of the map. when i played it with a party of 4, there were rarely any bad spawns and spawn locations are built into the map in a really convenient way.
sweeeeeeeet... Great map, from what i can see in the screenshots. I would never have imagined making a map in the avalanche cave... Looking forward to seeing more from you!
Avalanche maps will always have something about them which Sandbox maps don't, which is why I made one (Skari) You end up using the limitations of the space to your advantage, and it really helps to develop good mapping process working in such a constrained environment. This reminds me a lot of Underbog, but looks like the play might be a bit chaotic. How did you get CTF to work with those two man cannons in the middle? I'm going to have to download to find out, I guess.
CTF doesn't work, really. And yes, gameplay is quite chaotic. I reccomend nothing larger than 3v3 actually, I probably should have edited my original post to reflect that. The Man Cannons are simply too disruptive to competitive play to have any significant number of players on this map. Thanks for your interest in the map though, it really is a unique experience!