Sandbox Constricted

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by A Punker, Oct 4, 2009.

  1. A Punker

    A Punker Ancient
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    By: A Punker (WCFA Kelevra)

    GAMETYPES: Slayer Variants, Multi-Flag CTF, Oddball, KOTH

    This is map that I made for my friends and I cause we like to do bigger teams in small area maps. I made this with an inspiration of Midship, which is why the sword is where it is. At first I was just gonna make an easy layout not really worry about the aesthetics, but then when I saw how many pieces I had available I did my best to give it a good look as well. The map, for solid gameplay, is perfect for 2v2 or 1v1 because it has a smaller area with multiple levels. There are plenty of places to drop in on competition with surprise and there are also plenty of ways to ascend the map. Merging has been done down to the last detail to prevent grenades from slipping through platforms. Walls were used for the top floor but still have an overall smooth flow.

    Slayer like I said is perfect for small team battles. Oddball is great because of the fact that there is always a place to move to and not really any place to be cornered. KOTH is perfect because the layout of the map gives hill spots that one can pick out just from looking at the images. Last CTF would only be good if the gametype is for more than 3 captures and spawn time was decreased due to the fact that moving back to the other base is fairly quick.

    4 BR's
    4 Carbines
    2 Plasma Pistols
    4 SMG's (forgot to post originally)
    4 Plasma Rifles (forgot to post originally)
    2 Magnums
    2 Assault Rifles
    2 Maulers (No Spare Clips)
    1 Rocket Launcher (No Spare Clips)
    1 Energy Sword
    6 Frags
    8 Spike Grenades

    *NOTE* I chose this weapons set up because the power weapons are limited but need to be there to compete against the Sword. The spike grenades were chosen because of it being a tight space plasmas would only create frags without bouncing. The spikes make it, "Tag or make sure they explode right."

    1 Bubble Shield
    1 Regenerator

    *NOTE* It is a small map. Two pieces is all the equipment needed.







    2ND LEVEL:









    Download CONSTRICTED
    #1 A Punker, Oct 4, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2009
  2. VIBlackDragonIV

    VIBlackDragonIV Ancient
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    I know you said midship was your inspiration but it really looks like you took Foundation squished it together and made it several stories.
    Yet another clean looking map I have seen today you did well adding some aesthetical feeling to it. My question is how many people do you recommend play?
    You may have already said and I just missed it. Anyways excellent post and map Kudos
  3. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    At first glance i thought oh not impressive, but i love the stories, the underside seems to be very big. A nice clean looking map that seems like it'l play well. Good job
  4. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    This is a great idea, but a little too confined and cluttered.
    Because of the small spaces try adding some plasma rifles and SMGs.
    Also consider using this for infection which would make use of the cramped corridors.
  5. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow i download the map sure ! The first floor are cool with the rocket spawn and the top with the sword spawn are cool ! Good map ( post it on atlas ! )
  6. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    I like the layout of this map, moving through multiple levels of a single large structure is always enjoyable. It's a shame you couldn't make this part of a something bigger, like a single tower in a big city type arena, but of course you're confined by the budget of Sandbox just like the rest of us.

    Taking time to add some aesthetics was a good idea, I especially like you're intermittent use of ramps as railings on the second level. Although, one aesthetic feature I actually changed when I downloaded this was the lighting. The Side A: Red, Side B: Blue thing is just done so often, and with your map focusing on the vertical instead of the horizontal you had a good chance to break away from that.

    I took your two red lights and put them up on top of the columns surrounding the sword, then I put your blue lights inside the two tall blocks you've got laying flat on the bottom level. The top level ends up having a sun baked look and the bottom feels like a chilled interior. The adjustment in lighting also makes the top part of the map, the aesthetically weakest part, appear more interesting, and it also adds emphasis to the whole top vs bottom dynamic.

    Don't get me wrong, great map, I just saw some untapped potential there with the aesthetics.

    I also like the fusion coils you put at the top. Little novelties like that add a lot of flavor to a map.
  7. A Punker

    A Punker Ancient
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    Thank you for the idea of the light colors I'll be making that into my own... great idea.

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