Sandbox Tetris

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by MetaWaddleDee, Oct 3, 2009.

  1. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Recommended 3-6 players
    "A vertical Trash compactor that you can win." -Ell3ment

    Map Variant:

    Game Variant:
    Theme A



    That's pretty much how you play the game, just a bunch of Spartans trapped in the bottom of a Tetris board for 3 minutes. The goal for the Spartans trapped in the bottom is to climb to the Top and jump in one of the four teleporters, while the goal for the zombie in the Warthog is to crush their opponents under a giant pile of rocks. And after a certain period of time the bottom half of the level will be closed off and filled with kill balls, If you don't make it to the safety railing in time, the kill ball will give you a nice big hug! (I will show you what I mean later in the post)

    I know most of you only look at pictures, so, here you go.

    Standard overview shot

    A view at the top platform

    Down the hole

    How pushing the blocks down works

    Another view at how pushing blocks own works

    Below is what happens in the pit at the certain time intervals

    The 60 second wooden "safety railings" make sure that the humans that are still alive can make it to the next section, while the 90 second kill balls destroy anyone who didn't make it to the safety railing, and the new platform lets players have a better chance to make it to the top, and lastly the 150 second safety railing ensures that anyone that lives this long will be rewarded.

    And as it gets easier to get to the top, the zombie has extra objects to toss at the humans at the 45 second mark.

    A closer view of the extra objects.

    How the objects become available at the 45 second mark

    When the clock hits 45

    What happens when someone gets to the top? (The wood flooring he is climbing is the safety railing of the second section, it only appears 30 seconds before the game is over)

    He comes through out teleporter...

    ...grabs his weapons...

    ...and kills the zombie.

    And another round starts from there.

    Misc. Pictures

    Just a cutaway shot I thought people would like to see

    And this picture shows how the receiver node sends someone to the top. (there is a sender node, upside-down, behind the receiver.

    Frequently asked questions:

    What are the safety railings and what do they do?
    The safety railings are there to make sure the players can progress to the top of the map. But why can't they just climb the blocks to the very top? Players cannot climb enough blocks to get to the top for two reasons, 1. there physically aren't enough blocks and 2. every block, when moved from the vector point (teardrop) starts a 30 second timer, when that timer runs out the object respawns where it's vector point is set. However, this timer can be added to if the object gets bumped by another object and when the warthog pushes every block there isn't anything to keep this object bumped, and they all start to reappear at the top. Do they serve any other purposes? Yes, they make sure that the 'Hog doesn't just leave everyone to die by not pushing anything down, they also reward the players for surviving, instead of just having the humans try to run out the clock, they get to kill the guy that has been torturing them and killing the zombie makes the game way more fun.

    Why make a new flooring for the jumpers?
    As I stated above all the objects disappear after a certain time (usually around 60 seconds, but how many people in the game effect this timer), and eventually the blocks sink down, and keep you at a steady height around two blocks high. Since the teleporters are set at a height of about 4 blocks high, when the second platform is filled, the jumpers can get to the top

    Why kill off the players at the bottom?

    This adds pressure to get to the next level, and makes sure that games don't drag on forever by people who have gotten stuck at the bottom. My friend was at the bottom and didn't get asploded from the kill balls, what happened? When the center of the kill ball can't "see" the player in the kill ball, they don't die, so when that giant pile of rocks got in between your buddy and the kill balls, he lived, the only way of fixing this rare problem is by adding a lot of fusion coils. The downfall of adding a bunch of fusion coils is that the game lags like crazy.

    Map Variant:

    Game Variant:
    Theme A

    #1 MetaWaddleDee, Oct 3, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2009
  2. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    I played it and it was very enjoyable. I was wondering why the zombie was so slow though? it takes a bit to walk toward the grav lift for the zombie to drop those extra things down. I also feel like the railings need to go. they really take away from the whole point of Tetris
    #2 Spawn of Saltine, Oct 3, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2009

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    oh nice you posted. It is a fun map and is perfectly made as far as i played it. It is most fun being human than zombie cus you get an intence feeling of needing too get out the first floor before the kill balls spawn.
  4. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    I remember testing this with you and Ell3ment. It was pretty fun, I'd definitely like to play this with a large party. Splattering is my favorite part of Halo 3, so this caters to my tastes. Nice job and thanks for a fun game!
  5. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    This was a very fun game both times I played it. Were you able to fix the zombie's accidentally flying into the hole when trying to push a sideways block tiny in? Did you add a way for humans to either kill themselves or get back into the map if they spawn in the crypt/main level because of intense lag? Other than those two problems, the game is amazing. A definite keeper.
  6. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    You're game was one of the only games I ever saw the 'Hog jump into the hole, it only happens when the block pushes you up and another block spawns underneath you (very rare), and about spawning in the middle, it has been fixed.
    #6 MetaWaddleDee, Oct 3, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2009
  7. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    About time you got this up... the first pic wins btw.

    Even though I suck at this(I've only ever gotten to the 2nd floor like once), I found it to be really enjoyable. Gameplay is very fun(although can get somewhat repetitive imo), and much better than trash compactor. I've tested it plenty of times with you, and have given all the suggestions I could give so I don't really have anything to complain about, great job waddle.
  8. SpamRabbit

    SpamRabbit Ancient
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    hey i played this just a few hours ago before it was even posted. Extremely addicting map, something about jumping on blocks to stay alive just doesn't get boriing. My only complaint I think is how unoticeable the grav lift leading to the prowler and mongooses are, but other than that very well made map. Kinda sucks though when you're completely trapped and you know you're going to die :p
  9. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    First pic had me lolin. Nuff said
    It was fun testing it that one time when I decided to dive the warthog off the top into the hole, failing completely and getting killed in about 2 secnds. His of course before you added the lift, which If I say so myself, looks quite sexy. A dl from me and good luck with future projects.
  10. VIBlackDragonIV

    VIBlackDragonIV Ancient
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    Excellent job of posting and making your map. You should be very proud of your work.
    You already answered most of my questions in your description but one is this-
    Dont all you have to do is survive the game until the safety railings appear? Bc they take you to the teleporters and I kno you said they dont appear until the end of the game but that seems to make it hard for the zombie to win
    I will obviously have to play but I am glad to. This map is awesome great job and Kudos.
  11. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    I really enjoyed playing a quick 1v1 on it. The game felt just right; a perfect balance of fear and humour.

    However, one of my friends got stuck in a corner, but remained alive when the killball spawned. No idea how it occured, just thought i'd let you know.

    Also, those spawning levels are scary as hell, especially when it has that quick-lag at the spawn.
  12. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    I definetely loved playing this game. It was fun, unexpecting at times, and It had some originallity to it. I definetely recomend people to play this because it's one of the better mini games made in a while.
  13. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Glad you posted this.

    I remember playing it, and thinking how much ****ing fun it was. The concept is unique, and it's executed perfectly. Great job, Meta. :)
  14. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    The zombie is slower than normal to reduce his chances of assassinating players, and to reduce his chances of hopping off at the last second. The railings serve multiple purposes as well, they help players who "made it" get to the top of the pit before the kill balls abolish the "unworthy players" and in order to get the top of the level, there needs to be a new floor because the objects that get pushed in "time out" and dissapear. And having no reward for the players below makes the game rather dull, but letting the humans kill the zombie that has been torturing them, makes the game very fun to play. And lastly if the zombie doesn't want to push anything down, the players can make it to the next section.

    You still have fun playing this map? I only had you test it with me, what over 9000 times?

    I am very aware of this, sadly it is the only thing I could never get perfect...The kill ball can't kill someone when the center of the kill ball can't see the player, so when there's a huge pile of rocks It doesn't have the cleanest shot. I did fix this at one point though, it involved spawning 9 fusion coils on the bottom of the level, this "fix" however created a larger problem, the game lagged like crazy when they spawned. I reduced this number to 4, now the problem is still there but greatly reduced.
    #14 MetaWaddleDee, Oct 4, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2009
  15. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    I just downloaded because this looks exactly like the kind of pointless fun game that I really like to play with my friends. If this is as good as it looks, it gets a spot reserved with Blast Off and AvP. Too bad for you, if its that fun for me it will turn into the huge game that everyone plays but nobody wants to =)
  16. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    This looks quite awesome, definetely going to be playing this with some friends soon. :)

    Great job.
  17. Fusionguy

    Fusionguy Ancient
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    looks like a really good, inventive idea. Just one question:
    Couldn't the zombie not push anything down the hole, and therefore let all the humans die, due to the appearing floor + kill-ball. Just something you might want to fix
  18. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    The safety railing is there to prevent this from happening, In the old version of this map this was a huge problem, but it is non existent now.
  19. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    Finally you posted this I really liked this game to such an extent. I love the fact that its actually like tetris very original and unique Nice job buddy.
  20. liphttam1

    liphttam1 Ancient
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    Yes. I noticed this as well. I think you could spawn a Man Cannon or a Grav Lift in the spot though. Other then that one problem, the map is great and me and all my little buddies love your map. Exept for one. But I kicked him from the game.

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