Western Waters Created by PIZZA S4UC3 and N0VAFLAR3 This beginning of the map was constructed by N0VAFLAR3 and he also came up with the main idea of the map. We used a lot of ghost forging to create the map. As a result of me being the host I created most of the map after the Free er (the freezer, but the z is missing, it's hidden by the open box). At school we decided how to make the map go under the water. Well, thats enough words lets get to the map itself. Map link: Western Waters Gametype: Racetracks Overview Beginning (made by N0VAFLAR3) The first ramp 2nd part of the beginning In the free er (freezer) Coming out of the free er The room after the free er (barrels by Unit FK7) Down off the drop Me flying off the drop Up the ramp and into the tube Well I'm going in The way the camera's view of the underwater The ramp out of the water from under the water The ramp out of the water from outside the water, and the finish line Well there's the map, hope you enjoy it like we do. Here are the links again. Sorry the pictures are so small. Map: Western Waters Gametype: Racetracks Special thanks to N0VAFLAR3 and, UNIT FK7
Sweet, a map that goes underwater! That is beast, almost cooler than a Conquest map underwater. All right, I will totally try this as soon as my social slayer match is over.
Ya the underwater part is pretty sweet, it slows you down but o well =). That was N0VA's first reason for the entire map
Its more like a rollicoster but looks pritty good. I would suggest not to make it a black and white picture so people can see it better and or make the map fx not black and white. But nicely thoughted out. It might have some flaws but its not too bad. Good job
I liked it, could have been cleaner but yeh the water part was cool it felt like you were going slo mo.
Haha nice Adam! When I tested this with you, I kept falling off and running into walls. One the other hand, its very original and your merging is top noche. I would love to see more racetracks from you! -xItZ jENKiNSx
Well I tried to have it without the black and white but it just looked dumb (in my opinion) Well I think you are going slower, I could be wrong... It adds a whole now aspect to the map. =)
You should have went with Juicy filter instead. Anyway, the track was pretty fun. The underwater part was very cool. The sky parts were cool but the entrance back into the building flipped me a few times. Over all I had fun it could be improved. Nice job.
By the entrance to the building do you mean into the free er? or into the underwater, because I had trouble with both but couldn't find much to do...
The biggest problem is the entrance in the water. You are blind for a second or two, and during that second, the track turns. You should have made it as straight as possible there. Otherwise, it's a very original track, the first posted here on Longshore, but, I too, would have gone with a different FX.
An Arbr Review: Arbr reviews dont need to be taken seriously but will help you knwo what to fix if you want to fix up the map. Major Flaws: FX- The fx seems ok but its kinda feels like i wanna leave the map. FIRST TURN: i would suggest making it easyer to move around because I fell off about 10 times before i got into the place. Last Turn: Its hard to see where to go if its turning or not. IDK how to fix it but i bet if you ask people they can help. Minor Flaws: Tuning on this map is difficult so i would suggest grav lifts but i think you used them all. Over all: this map needs some work and needs a little more merging just to make everything smooth. Good things about this map: Underwater lights... Your Grade: Creative: 8/10 Playable :6/10 Fixing: 6/10 FX: 4/10 mangoose layout: 10/10 Overall grade: 6.5/10 Final thoughts: It needs some work but its a pritty good rollicoaster.
Alright I'll do it!! (the lighting) (it isn't in a mean voice) I'll also see what I can do about some of the turns well until further notice the map has some flaws that have been pointed out. When I fix these flaws I'll post a replay and fix the link to the upgrade. I tried that, and it didn't work... The idea is good but there are some parts that you can't see in and that would just make the map hard in a bad way.
Hey, I loved your map a lot so I decided to edit it. Of course, I haven't released it yet but I just wanted you to know that if you decide to edit the original to take a look at mine before you start so, if you want, you could start building off of my revision instead. Changes include: Added receiver nodes pointing out the correct direction for easier guidance. Added much more scenery (completely overloaded the map with it, looks much nicer) Added multiple shield doors for easier navigation Few other tweaks
Well as I stated in the post (above the picture) it is Freezer with out the "z" because the open box is blocking the "z". Thank you.