Vidmaster Annual Achievement Thread *SPOILERS*

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by EpicFishFingers, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    i haven't gotten this achievment yet either, none of my friends realy want to. if any one would like to do it the 12th, that'd be great. i only have enough time to do it then between all of my current projects i'm working on.
  2. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Yeah, thanks for necroposting my thread too.

    When are you free?
  3. Rise Against

    Rise Against Ancient
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    I need help with this achievement if anyone wants to give it a go. It is not as much needing help, as it is finding three competant people that can actually get a checkpoint without purpously dieing...

    Send me a message on FH and add me on XBL if you want to do this with me.
    My GT should be on the left. Thanks.
  4. bg9150

    bg9150 Ancient
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    i havent goten the vidmaster achievement because the first time i played with player that arnt very good and the second time we got to the jumping into the ship part and one of the people flip over his ghost right before we jumped and didnt get it i am not a very good player at halo 3 so i need some good players to play with so message me on xbl my gt is bg9150 no spaces no caps any help would be very good ty
  5. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    -hint / cheat-

    When you exit the cave/tunnel in the beginning, clear some flood, but keep going straight, don't turn to go up the ramps to reach the top level. Instead:

    Go straight until you reach the drop-off. Grenade jump over to the slanted ledge which is part of the structure you must climb. Now run over against the wall you are near once up. Grenade jump again ontop the even bigger and longer slanted wall. This goes all the way to the top level.

    Once you reach the top level, drop down to it. Crouch jump on the ledge to the left of the big door, walk up a bit, the jump on the ledge towards Johnson. Kill him twice, take his laser the second time. Infinite ammo laser and a big rock to hide behind. Take it easy from there, just kill, and if you are hurt, hide.

    It may be beneficial to practice this on easy to understand where to go. Also, it amy be better to tell your teammates to stay in the tunnel away from danger. Chances are, with 4 people trying it, someone will die.

    edit: I don't know if this is understandable without a video or pictures, so I will add pictures tomorrow.
    #45 Kronos, Jul 31, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2009
  6. Roflman117

    Roflman117 Ancient
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    i can help add flamerazor on xbox live
  7. Mr brownstain83

    Mr brownstain83 Ancient
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    I need the achievement too so if anyone wants to help just let me know. thanks.
  8. GrindxCore LOL

    GrindxCore LOL Ancient
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    Hey guys

    I really need this achievement... I've wanted Recon for so long. If anyone is willing to help me, I'd appreciate it.

    My gamertag is the same as my username (Including the LOL part)

    Also, if you need to contact me you can Instant Message me via AIM...

    My screen name is DanielLovesDerby... and it's linked to my phone so if you IM me i'll get it immediately.

    Thank you!
  9. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    I need to do this achievement too, but I can only play at night. Like 10:00 PM EST +.

    PM me: Dragull
  10. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    I want this achievement so bad. Every time I try to get it the people im with quit. A few minutes ago I was trying to do it with some people. We made it up to Johnson's perch, then everyone just started playing around. So I just left.

    If anyone one here would like to help me get the achievement please say something and send me a friend request or something.
  11. mooseIV

    mooseIV Ancient
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  12. pkashp

    pkashp Ancient
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    Yeah, I have casually tried this a few times, and I am anxious to get it done. My gamertag is the same on this site and EcksBocks (say it out loud) Live, so send me a friend request if you need another squad member. Also, I have ODST, and I need Endure and Deja Vu, so feel free to send me something about that too.
  13. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    One thing that really helped me and my group of buddies do it was make only 1 person attack those transforming flood, note 1 mele from a power weapon kills and 2 from AR, BR, and all that.

    Also if some one gets the flame thrower don't run in front of him lol.

    BTW Endure is really not that hard, except for the enourmous lag we encountered every here and there. Also do last platoon, make one guys user laser to kill only wraiths, then get one guy to use a chopper (that was me 1 splatter over kill ftw) then the other 2 tear it up with the warthog. That will work basically every time, but when the buggers start coming on Set 2 3 4 laser guy needs to hide.
    #53 CaptnSTFU, Oct 16, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2009
  14. TechnicalVc

    TechnicalVc Ancient
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    Amazing guide good work on the pics to.

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