Temple 2 Created by Xenon Arbiter Map Description Similar to the clan temple map but this one is a smaller in area size, but is multi level and has a larger entrance walkway. not suited for clans like its predecessor but hopefully someone will find a proper use for it. Exterior of temple Main entrance Shielded windows Main lobby 2nd Level 3rd Level Seat anyone?
Very nice job. It's one of the best Temples I've seen. I love the use of the archs and shield doors. Nice job.
im sorry to say but your earlier version is wayyyyy bettter, it just looks better as far as aesteics go, but thats just me, congrats on the post, cant wait to play
I like the looks, but I truly don't understand why people make "Clan Temples". I mean is for the spamming eight year olds that cry cause they can't forge it themselves? Or is it for fun, just to see what you can come up with? It could be for Machinama, but I don't think for clans. Does KSI sit down in a Halo3 Map, at chairs that are just a merged pillar and talk about the stuff they talk about? I think they more likely E-Mail each other or Part Chat. It looks good, but the Idea is pointless im my mind. Keep Forging!
The reason is probably a bit of all of those reasons, some people find forging more entertaining then playing on a map they forged.