I made this Signature for the pro Legit. He sent me a message saying its sick and put it in his fileshare, i thought that was pretty cool. It might appears a little bit blurry on your computer (Compared to the Viewsonic Monitor).If anyone wants one they are 1600 MSP, sorry but they are not easy and are pretty time consuming.
Yea you have the effects and everything down eamonn but we both know barely anyone can do this writing.
Holy Mother of GOD! $20 for an ugly signature that anyone can make? Jesus christ. People who photoshop sigs here sometimes take hours and then come out with something beautiful, FOR FREE. *cough**cough*VV-Kidbomber-VV*cough**cough*
All u dumbasses, this is to put in your fileshare for Halo 3. LMAO Cartograph. I have made over 15,000 MPS by doing this. And if u compare this screenshot to someone on the recent screenshot list on Bungie. You will see why they pay me and not the kids whose letters look like they came from a Baby with Down Syndrome.
LOL go do it. Seriously. ****ing retarded kids. And who are you exactly Blue Patriot, Sorry never heard of you, Random.
I know delirium and he is one of around 3 people that can do BEAST sigs. I'm sorry but you have no clue how hard this is do. Plus, a pro asked him to make one. Don't you think that shows how good Delirium is at making them? Just a thought.
I agree. That is ridiculous to just bash someone who spent a lot of time making this. Cart0graph, I will be expecting one soon, since it is so easy.
Delirium you gypsy, I saw this screenshot in your fileshare the other day, glad you finally came to terms to add me haha Anyways, you and all of the German **** screenshot friends still confuse me as to how you guys make your letters so nicely.. I started doing a few sigs again and I haven't really been happy with them. Again, Nice Job =] Everyone in this thread that is bitching just shut up, who cares, just mind your own buisness... There's no reason to complain, if someone wants to pay then let them pay.
There hard to do yes. Worth 20 dollars? no. Maybe if it was by frownzy, predator or someone from "forging2perfektion" and at a larger size.
Guys, don't argue with him He's LeGiiT MLG PrO wItH hIs TyPiCaL MLG GaMeRtaG He calls everyone a kid and tries to sell a ****ing screenshot for 20 dollars In reality he's a ****ing nerd and is going to use the same excuse everyone else does to prove he's not "I'm on the football team at my highschool"