That's right, as per the Bungie Update, a lone wolf scored over 10 Million points in a 21-hour firefight a few days back. Have fun with that one! : Bungie Weekly Update: 10.02.09 : 10/2/2009 5:33 PM PDT
Bungie owned that guy. It probably doesnt sound as bad as you think, atleast solo you can pause, this could be over days, maybe even a week (i hope). But yea, Lost Platoon is fun, but it's not Firefight in the way i see maps like Last Stand, Alpha Site and Windward. Those are maps where highscores count.
And your point? Its a strategy and all firefight maps have one. And let me tell you something the chopper is actually hard, You get a wave of bugs rolling in and black eye is on especially on 1 person your screwed. Even though the chopper has a long rifle perfect aim shooting to kill them its still hard because they overwhelm you. BTW this wasn't meant to sound mean xD. Just kind of turned out that way; I was defending the way of the chopper on Lost Platoon lol.
On lost platoon I don't drive the chopper around I just get a ton of them and block the stairs with them. Anyway I still think that its not very impressive if he use the chopper for most of the time. Even if he didn't use it the entire time, he still used it a lot.
THANK YOU. Every single highscore is going to be taken over by Lost Platoon simply because it gives you tons of points for vehicles kills, as well as the easy chopper whoring. With maps like Alpha Site and Chasm Ten, teamwork and strategy matters. Not how long you can exploit a game mechanic.
That guy, OWA 000 is a Bungie employee. I'd say that gives him certain advantages. ;D Proofs: : Halo 3 File Share
Here's an extensive list of the high scores. Our very own Vorpal Saint comes in at #159. I feel personally inclined to give a high score a go now
Here's the game. As always with Lost Platoon runs like this, you get more kills in the chopper, and spend most of your time in the Chopper, but you get more points from the Laser, due to the Wraiths. OWA practically broke the stat-tracker with this game though, its pretty humorous. Different match times listed in different locations, and different scores in different spots.. kill stopping at 4,000 on the dot, etc. That skull/trophy is pretty badass though.